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Professor of Porn
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Everything posted by Bacon

  1. I'm going to my aunt's house and having Lasagna. Probably play some 31.
  2. Most of them. Or really, I see most movies I really like twice and then never see them again. Saving Private Ryan is a movie I have only seen twice. Only once as an adult. While it is one of my favorite movies of all time I just don't like redoing the same thing more than twice with a few exceptions. Applies to books and games as well. Not to music tho. Any movie I have seen more than twice is probs cuz I watched it with other people
  3. Every time there is a steam sale I get notified that Blasphemous is on sale and think I should finally get it but then I never do.
  4. Just some shit. If ya haven't seen the movie don't click. This movie is up there with Iron Man, GOTG, and Infinity War.
  5. I completed the first part of the hardest and newest content and obtained all of the highest ilvl accessories.
  6. Make sure to listen to this song. The perfect traveling Christmas song.
  7. Have you checked your CO levels? This could be our reddit moment!
  8. Well, I've never thought the game looked that amazing so... I mean, the new zones do look pretty darn good considering engine and PS4 limitations. You could say there are some visually striking zones, but not due to graphical fidelity. And the lighting and shadows are still majorly flawed. Shadows have always been especially bad and EW does nothing to fix it.
  9. I like reddit. Then again I don't post much on it. Most positing has been done of specific video game subreddits. When it comes to something more "news" related I just read the comments cuz that's fun. That said, if this kills reddit, I'll find it hilarious. Part of me wants it to die just so I know these bigger social media platforms can still die.
  10. Yeah, it is pretty good but there are a bunch of little issues that make it clear that it was a bit rushed. I'll go into very, very vague spoilers that won't even spoil anything unless you are a mastermind. But at around level 83, there is an event we all knew would happen but maybe not at this point in time. It is something that only the main character/Warrior of Light/you encounter. However, afterward, I feel that your allies do not act a... well you would expect a bit more of a reaction from many characters but it is kinda glossed over to continue on with the other parts of the plot. There are also a few times where I just think the writing wasn't great. Some unfortunately right before the final story mission. I will mark this although I'll be keeping it vague. And like for a game that is about the world ending, you really don't feel the kind of urgency the end of the world should be bringing. I'd say Shadowbringers is easily better than Endwalker, but Endwalker is my second favorite expansion. There are a lot of great things about EW. Maybe a bit too fan service-y at times but most of it is pretty great. It is pretty easy to ignore the missteps they made with the moment-to-moment story for the greater overall story. There is actually one great comparison that I and many others have made when it comes to Shadowbringers and Endwalker. But that is actually spoilers. If Shadowbringers is a 10/10 Endwalker is a 9/10. And even with that lower score, the ending to this particular saga is 10/10 without a doubt. Just some of the other parts before the very end bring it down a notch, especially when you have time to think it over. Maybe if you just played it and never thought about it would be better than Shadowbingers.
  11. You've actually been dead for years. You are the haunting
  12. Going to Disney World was about him, not us. It rained at one point and none of the rides were operating and people were taking shelter under various things. There was a small group of people, maybe 10, with us waiting out the rain. Well, my brother and I didn't let a little or rain stop our fun. Until he started screaming and yelling at us in front of everyone basically telling us to stop having fun and sit here and be bored. The fucking looks on the other people's faces... He also basically forced to do everything he wanted to do and at a pace far too fast for children. My brother ended up getting sick because of that. It caused him to throw up in a restaurant, before any food was served. My dad got mad at my brother for being sick, because of his own rushed pace, while we were on a fucking vacation to Disney World.
  13. My brother and I have the same middle name. My Dad's first name. It's fucking dumb. I'd love to get it changed or just removed, but that would be a bunch of wasted effort for something that doesn't even matter in the end.
  14. I mean, no one needed this advice but here it is.
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