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Professor of Porn
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Everything posted by Bacon

  1. Cool. Sounds like I should give it a shot again. I don't need it to be "classic" South Park, just not "Trey has gotten older" South Park.
  2. How much of it stars Randy VS the boys? I pretty much just don't like modern south park. I still love Bigger Longer and Uncut and have rewatched a lot of the early seasons. But anything with Randy and the Farm just isn't funny to me. If you like it, great for you, but it ain't for me.
  3. At least take the fucking effort to make it actually usable you pathetic piece of shit. el oh el I'm just joshin'
  4. Give it to me. I just maxed every job, (combat/gatherer/crafter) in FFXIV and don't feel rewarded enough. Now I need something to boost my spirits.
  5. I'll watch the new spiderman and dr strange whenever that happens but I find it hard to care about the much. I only watched loki when it comes to the shows and I wish I didn't.
  6. They were different to me. Even if they aren't different in any meaningful way, so what? That does no change the fact that the Burrito tasted somewhat like Doritos. I mean, there is also nacho cheese and sour cream. And the Jalapeno Sauce DID tasted different. You could clearly tasted that Jalapeno flavor that is often on chips or even mac and cheese. It is a distinct flavor and that flavor was not present at all in the Burrito. Again, it doesn't matter how similar they are or whatever when at least with how everything is combined, it tasted different.
  7. AS YOU CAN SEE There are no repeat sauces.
  8. I'm not. And this is the only item that has the chipotle sauce that I got. I did not say it was a Dorito sauce. I said the sauce tastes more like Doritos than the Dorito taco. The Quesadilla I got had a creamy jalapeno sauce. The Cheesy Gordita Crunch has ranch. The Double Steak Grilled Cheese Burrito has either two or three sauces and one of them is the chipotle sauce.
  9. Well, right at this moment I don't want any Taco Bell, maybe I'd get some twists just as a snack. I do recommend that if you like Taco Bell.
  10. Oh, unless Gym counts. I like Gym. I liked when we would do vollyball. Hated cup stacking tho. Shit was lame.
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