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Professor of Porn
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Everything posted by Bacon

  1. bacon/ham, green onions, cheese, and some kind sauce-paste
  2. About as close as Pluto is to the sun, eh?
  3. No not at all. I say things no one agrees with all the time and I only have 200.
  4. No. It is what you get for posting with a tweet from the right
  5. They are just farming them in the Re-Education Camp. Just post a republican's tweet and you get them for free.
  6. I don't lay down on couches either outside of the few times I have slept on one. I sit Indian style pretty much all the time.
  7. While I do watch pretty much everything with subs, reading fast isn't the issue. It is like the subs distract me. Like I must match the audio to the words on screen. I end up watching the subtitles instead of the show. Now it isn't constant issue, but I have had to rewind here and there because I just keep watching the subs until the line is fully voiced. I also hate that captions and subtitles have basically become the same thing. I get distracted by the needless pop-up. I rather have the option for both instead of just the one. I even own movies on blu that do this. They only offer captions.
  8. The trick is to still stream them from an alt source. Just make sure you have uBlock Origin installed.
  9. "How Christopher Nolan Reacted To Hans Zimmer Choosing Dune Over Tenet" That is the title of the article. Not once does it say how Nolan reacted. "Not Great" is saying his reaction wasn't great but that means nothing.
  10. And that has nothing to do with was was said. "Not Great" was all that was said! I am here to read on why it was "Not Great", not any kind of opinion. I couldn't give a single fuck about Nolan. I don't even like is movies. Yes, even the bat man movies. IMO, this is basically click bait.
  11. "Not Great" without further elaboration Stop linking these reddit tier articles are 90% some fucker writing a lot of nothing. "Just how far up his own ass is Nolan anyway?" Who knows? This article says basically nothing at all.
  12. I mean, I was just going to sail the high seas. Now I'll just wait for it to come into port.
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