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Professor of Porn
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Everything posted by Bacon

  1. This is 100% a scam/front/money laundering/nepotism
  2. While I don't have any explicit images, I do have what Japan would call R-15 images. NSFW but no nudity. I have no public images. I wonder if any of that will be taken down.
  3. Haven't seen the old Mario movie since I was a kid but I loved it back then. Until Nintendo proves otherwise, their names will forever be Mario Mario and Luigi Mario.
  4. It's an excuse so you can enjoy something while not feeling bad about it. Not that I think you should feel bad about it. Enjoy what you like, or if you can't due to the artist's actions then abstain from that content. If you fear judgment then don't talk about it in a place where others may judge you for it. I generally don't pay attention to the personal histories of a creator. While I am excited for FFXVI because CBUIII is working on it, I have no knowledge of its creators and their opinions and actions outside of the gaming sphere. Except that Yoshi-P is a smoker. I do know that.
  5. Fish tastes like the environment it lives in, and I don't like that. The smell isn't pleasant either, but if I liked it, I probably wouldn't mind it.
  6. the test can't really reflect my true answers as I don't even like fish and it has nothing to do with how gross it is
  7. The only song I know how to sing in Japanese is the Hajime no Ippo season 1 opener.
  8. nah, the mimic tear was too ez mode i only used the mimic tear on reused bosses So I ended up using it on more bosses than not LOL
  9. I really shouldn't have said the remake was soulless because that isn't true. I do think it has less soul than the og, but saying soulless is a bit too far. Honestly, I'm just upset they removed all the banter on the comms and specifically the line from Luis "a little rough don't you think". Also, that the villains are cliff notes of the original. It's like someone said "Saddler is a tentacle bug cult leader" and ignored the fact that he came across as a massive con man selling snake oil. I hate that Saddler and Salazar aren't jokes. Salazar still has a lot of his OG qualities for sure and he is a better boss, but he isn't as petulant as before. And I despise the shit logic of "just play the original". I want the updated graphics and quality of life changes. I don't want to play battles at 15-24 fps. I don't want the game to look like it came out in 1998 anymore. I want the spelling mistakes and mistranslations to be fixed. It is rough playing the PS1 Era FFs even with mods. I love how FF9 looks with mods but there ain't no fixing the battle FPS. They tried in both FF7 and FF9 but boy is it not good. I think the pixel remasters are pretty genius. Not perfect, but the mods for those pretty much make them the best way to play them for the first time. IMO, a remake should be aiming to 100% replace the original. A remake should make the OG obsolete. No one should want to go back to the OG because the Remake wasn't satisfactory. Despite my opinions of the DeS remake, it is possibly the only remake that has made the OG obsolete. Now, before you go saying I just want a remaster, at this point, remake and remaster almost mean the same thing. While DeS is considered a remake, it is more of a remaster in my eyes. What Blue Point did with DeS is almost exactly what I want from remakes just without their awful artistic interpretations. They'd prolly make Anor Londo into ruins if they got to remake Dark Souls. So, yeah, I do want something more along the lines of a remaster, but a remaster extensive that it gets labeled a remake like DeS. I think Capcom gets pretty close to perfect but they are always cutting out the fat when the fat is the best part! All things considered, the RE4 remake is darn good like I have stated previously. I just wish the ridiculous trash talk was still in. Writhe in my cage of torment my friend.
  10. I do think it's weird how yer shittin' all over the combat of XVI tho. This is coming from someone who isn't even excited about the combat. Aside from it not being a combat style that I like, the only part that I wished looked better are the particle effects. It's like watching a welder weld in a blizzard.
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