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Monster Hunter Rise - Sunbreak Expansion Coming June 30, 2022


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I dunno. That seems like a lot of work for a game where even the strongest monsters seem to go down without a fight in like 7-8 minutes... is the expansion gonna add some Monster Hunter fights to this game or what? I breezed through the game solo without ever hitting any real difficulty spikes. Some of the event monsters do a silly amount of damage and can one-shot you even with mega health buffs and a ton of armor, but they still go down fast. I like battles of attrition, it's weird that a Monster Hunter game doesn't have them.

Which sucks because the gameplay is the best it has ever been, but it seems like they didn't accommodate for you being able to zip around so fast and the monsters don't react quick enough to remain challenging. Combined with all the upkeep every time you return from a mission it just felt like I was barely even getting to play the game and then going into a friggin' management sim. I could ignore that part but then it feels like something is missing.

Suppose that shows it was built for Switch people playing on the go, but I was really hoping that it picked up at some point... I struggled to beat quite a few monsters solo in MHW, especially as a Hunting Horn main, and I certainly wasn't going around fighting multiplayer event monsters solo like it was a joke. I recall doing such low damage at times that I would simply time out of a mission rather than dying because I couldn't output enough DPS for multiplayer content done solo.

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1 minute ago, Dimden said:

Then you're missing all of the hardest quests for a high rank game, they get unlocked at HR 100+ and are about as close to Master Rank 1 as you'll get until Sunbreak comes out.

Are they harder than all the event hunts with the one-shotting monsters? I figured the event ones would be the hardest available because that's how MH always does things, and did not find them satisfying. If they get proper hard after 100 maybe I'll dive back in. The little grind to 100 was so boring though.

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • Keyser_Soze changed the title to Monster Hunter Rise - Sunbreak Expansion Coming June 30, 2022
10 hours ago, Dimden said:


I'm sure there's likely going to be more shown as we get closer, but as is the current tradition with Rise, all the news and content has ranged from disappointing to meh for an otherwise great game.



Here is the trend I've noticed over the past few years:


Japanese companies tend to trickle out info and turn a 20 second trailer into a 40 minute video explaining the 20 second trailer and blasting you in the face with hand-holding and exposition as though you were completely incapable of comprehending anything with your tiny little baby brain.


Meanwhile American and European companies show a 30 second "gameplay" trailer that is 29 seconds of pre-rendered video 1 second of actual gameplay and then proceed to overhype and overpromise completely unattainable bullshit and the stuff they ACTUALLY accomplish will be put behind a paywall.


It's a glorious time to be gamer.

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  • 2 months later...

Aw, did that Dimden guy get banned or delete his account or something? I came back to this thread to reply that I'm 100+ now and... can't find the hard quests? It unlocked a certain glowing comet monster and a few "Advanced" quests, which I was able to beat easily in multiplayer mode while solo despite not playing for like half a year and jumping straight into some of the hardest content.


It's not that I'm great at MH, to be absolutely clear I am mediocre at the very best as I'm too impatient, but Rise is just like way way way too easy. The only time they seem to introduce real 'difficulty' is when they go the BS route of monsters that one-shot with every attack, which is such an enormous spike in difficulty curve it's basically like a meme mode. Completely eliminates anything you put into health, defense, your healing capabilities, etc. It actually makes the game less interesting and just turns it into a "don't get hit by anything" shtick, which I don't feel like I ever experienced in World. In World I'd just get my ass beat because the monsters were super dangerous, had a ton of health, and I couldn't use this wirebug thing to just escape punishment for all my mistakes.

If I have a wishlist for Sunbreak, it's two simple things:


1. Give monsters big HP pools. The Switch users got their super easy baby monsters so they could get a hunt down in under 10 minutes, that's fine. But now give them and us some real meaty monsters. Not every Switch session is trying to complete what you're doing before your turd hits the water.


2. The wirebug is awesome, but extremely overpowered. Instead of making it weaker, give enemies more moves that can deal with it. Even if it's only when they're enraged. Right now it feels like a cheat code. You can use it to basically almost never get hit, or to get hit far far less than you would otherwise be. There need to be periods where each monster type will completely shut down careless wirebug usage. There should also be at least one or two monsters that almost entirely counter it. (And one or two that require good use of it as they're super vulnerable to it! It's a fun mechanic, be creative with it!)


If we can get these two things, I know I'll like Sunbreak a lot more than the base game.

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19 minutes ago, Xbob42 said:

Aw, did that Dimden guy get banned or delete his account or something? I came back to this thread to reply that I'm 100+ now and... can't find the hard quests? It unlocked a certain glowing comet monster and a few "Advanced" quests, which I was able to beat easily in multiplayer mode while solo despite not playing for like half a year and jumping straight into some of the hardest content.


It's not that I'm great at MH, to be absolutely clear I am mediocre at the very best as I'm too impatient, but Rise is just like way way way too easy. The only time they seem to introduce real 'difficulty' is when they go the BS route of monsters that one-shot with every attack, which is such an enormous spike in difficulty curve it's basically like a meme mode. Completely eliminates anything you put into health, defense, your healing capabilities, etc. It actually makes the game less interesting and just turns it into a "don't get hit by anything" shtick, which I don't feel like I ever experienced in World. In World I'd just get my ass beat because the monsters were super dangerous, had a ton of health, and I couldn't use this wirebug thing to just escape punishment for all my mistakes.

If I have a wishlist for Sunbreak, it's two simple things:


1. Give monsters big HP pools. The Switch users got their super easy baby monsters so they could get a hunt down in under 10 minutes, that's fine. But now give them and us some real meaty monsters. Not every Switch session is trying to complete what you're doing before your turd hits the water.


2. The wirebug is awesome, but extremely overpowered. Instead of making it weaker, give enemies more moves that can deal with it. Even if it's only when they're enraged. Right now it feels like a cheat code. You can use it to basically almost never get hit, or to get hit far far less than you would otherwise be. There need to be periods where each monster type will completely shut down careless wirebug usage. There should also be at least one or two monsters that almost entirely counter it. (And one or two that require good use of it as they're super vulnerable to it! It's a fun mechanic, be creative with it!)


If we can get these two things, I know I'll like Sunbreak a lot more than the base game.

Yes Lucian was banned again. Should have banned him the minute he came back, but they gave him another chance not to be a piece of shit. Shocking no one, a piece of shit will always be a piece of shit. 

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Man I only played about 25 hours of Rise, pretty much loved it, but fell off for really no apparent reason. Of course this is gonna get great reviews and tempt me, but I'm glad it gates the content so I actually have to do some work to see if it's something I wanna purchase. 

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9 hours ago, Paperclyp said:

Man I only played about 25 hours of Rise, pretty much loved it, but fell off for really no apparent reason. Of course this is gonna get great reviews and tempt me, but I'm glad it gates the content so I actually have to do some work to see if it's something I wanna purchase. 

Be aware you have to have finished the 7 star quest Goddess Serpent of Thunder in order to be able to access Sunbreak content 

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Ok so I got my master rank armor set and everything fully upgraded. Now I need to work on getting materials to upgrade my weapon. Bought a bunch of better decorations to put in my armor slots. Loving the master rank hunts. Working through all the 1 stars. Did a couple of the 2 stars. Sunbreak is worth the money. 

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Started today thanks to @Commissar SFLUFAN :)  and man did I suck royally at the start. I couldn't even get my guy to climb up the walls without jumping off every two seconds...but now 4-5 hours in I am starting to get the hang of the controls (made it to the 2 star rank and completed a couple of missions)....I still suck of course, just not as bad.


Any tips for a total newbie? Best weapon? I tried that long sword they give you at the start, but switched over to the light gun weapon, finding it a bit easier to not get my ass kicked by using the ranged weapon.  

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8 hours ago, EternallDarkness said:

Started today thanks to @Commissar SFLUFAN :)  and man did I suck royally at the start. I couldn't even get my guy to climb up the walls without jumping off every two seconds...but now 4-5 hours in I am starting to get the hang of the controls (made it to the 2 star rank and completed a couple of missions)....I still suck of course, just not as bad.


Any tips for a total newbie? Best weapon? I tried that long sword they give you at the start, but switched over to the light gun weapon, finding it a bit easier to not get my ass kicked by using the ranged weapon.  

Grind.  Upgrade armor or forge better armor as soon as you can. Pick a weapon and stick with it. Upgrade as soon as possible. Make sure to put items that you will be using a lot like potions, mega potions, armor skin, etc. on auto craft so you always have a supply. Also check your item box and make sure you have everything you’ll need before heading out to hunt. Eat meals before hunting. Learn monsters so you know which meals make the most sense to have like reduced wind, fire, ice damage etc… Have fun! It’s a fantastic game. 

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4 minutes ago, EternallDarkness said:

up to 3stars and definitely getting a feel for the game, been mainly using the gun, but may screw around with some of the other weapons and see if I like any of them more. What's everyone's preferred weapon? 


Go with Hunting Horn if you're a baller.

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I'm going to have to agree with @Xbob42 this game is too easy, I already "beat" the story and working my way through post game content with very little trouble.


I will say that the new mechanic introduced in the post game monsters is very cool/fun though. Also glad there are no rampage missions in the expansion 

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21 minutes ago, thedarkstark said:

I'm going to have to agree with @Xbob42 this game is too easy, I already "beat" the story and working my way through post game content with very little trouble.


I will say that the new mechanic introduced in the post game monsters is very cool/fun though. Also glad there are no rampage missions in the expansion 

I find the Rampage missions no fun. 

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