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Everyone will eventually turn on Trump. Even Steve Doocy.

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Trump’s post presidential life sounds really sad.


I thought this was a great write up on what Trump’s life is going to be after the White House.



On his wife's birthday last year, Trump called Fox & Friends and rambled for so long that the hosts didn't know how to get rid of him. After waiting patiently for 30 minutes, Brian Kilmeade politely informed the unhinged man on the other line that he probably had "a billion things" to do that day, his being president and all.


After Trump leaves office and has fewer things to do, people will have fewer reasons to listen to him. Ex-President Trump will call Fox & Friends every morning, but they will ignore him. Instead of ranting on air, he will leave voicemails for Steve Doocy's assistant's intern.


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1 minute ago, Chairslinger said:

Trump has history on his side as far as facing genuine legal jeopardy when he leaves office. But he should be careful that once he is no longer of use to them that Congressional Republicans don't turn the wolves loose on him.

As long as he can still command the base, Republicans won't turn. This is what people don't seem to fully grasp. If he loses, it's because of fraud and illegals and he will still have the support of his idiot voters. Only when he had passed from this mortal coil will Republicans really be free, until the next Trump comes (and probably a smarter one at that)

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21 minutes ago, CitizenVectron said:

10 years from now, Republicans will all be claiming that they were never-Trumpers the whole time, just like many now say they never really supported Bush.

If they try it we should hang them and shoot them. 



Though I’m not opposed if anyone wants to go ahead and do it now. 

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6 hours ago, ort said:

I think he's going to be even worse after he leaves office. He's not going anywhere.


What does anyone have to gain by aligning with Trump after he leaves office? He’s not going to have rallies anymore after he leaves, because those are going to cost money.


Who is going to pay to hear him speak? He already sounds like a mental patient.

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3 minutes ago, MarSolo said:


What does anyone have to gain by aligning with Trump after he leaves office? He’s not going to have rallies anymore after he leaves, because those are going to cost money.


Who is going to pay to hear him speak? He already sounds like a mental patient.

He'll gear up for 2024 


"Make America great again,again"

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