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I got a nuclear case of the Monday's


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5 hours ago, BlueAngel said:

My Monday sucked ass, hit a pothole in my car on Friday night and fucked my car up. Looking at $5,300 worth of damage, good thing for full coverage ($1,000 deductible unfortunately which I don't just have laying around currently). Spent my Monday at home dealing with all the bs, I'm without a car until next week sometime don't really have the money for a rental for two weeks so I'm walking to work (1.5 miles each way). :(


Really shitty about the car but I know I found, after getting used to it, walking to work was so much better than commuting. The only downside is leaving the house earlier and when it rains.

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1 hour ago, Nokra said:

@Dodger what was so shitty about your Monday? 



There wasn't anything really shitty about it, I just didn't sleep well Sunday night, part of it because my cat decided to sleep with his ass in my face half the night so I was tired and grouchy all day Monday. 

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1 minute ago, BlueAngel said:

Couldn't you have just turned your head or kicked the fucker out of the bed? 


Between my girlfriend and our 2 damn cats I get like no space for the bed. This fat little fucker likes to spread all out too. I just get used to it. I feel bad for some reason kicking them off so I usually don't. 

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14 minutes ago, BlueAngel said:

Time for a bigger bed? 



I already have a king. Most of the time they sleep near my feet but every now and then they get somewhere else. 


Sorry to hear about your car, don't let your insurance company make that an at fault accident for you. 

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4 hours ago, BlueAngel said:

I wouldn't mind the walk that much but I don't live in the city, I'm in the suburbs somewhat so my path to work lacks sudewalks most of the way so it's rather dangerous.

Fuck walking. Uber or Lyft dude. 

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