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Scars Above | Sci-Fi Female Protagonist 3rd Person Action Adventure | Out now!


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7 minutes ago, Commissar SFLUFAN said:


In a Discord chat that I was in last night we called it "Great Valu Returnal" :p

Oh shit, so it's not just me, good. It's absolutely bargain bin Returnal but somehow I'm still intrigued. I kind of liked that there seem to be puzzles and an emphasis on enemy weak points? I'll keep an eye on it. 


Also, that title is stupid. Scars Above,  Post Trauma, what's next? Self Harm 2: Psychology Eternal?

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  • Keyser_Soze changed the title to Scars Above | Sci-Fi Female Protagonist 3rd Person Action Adventure | Out now!

It's out!




Game Information

Game Title: Scars Above



  • PC (Feb 28, 2023)
  • PlayStation 4 (Feb 28, 2023)
  • PlayStation 5 (Feb 28, 2023)
  • Xbox Series X/S (Feb 28, 2023)
  • Xbox One (Feb 28, 2023)




Developer:  Mad Head Games

Publisher:  Prime Matter


Review Aggregator:

OpenCritic - 66 average - 35% recommended


Critic Reviews


Enternity.gr - Stelios Anagnostopoulos - Greek - 9 / 10

Scars Above is a very interesting and challenging game, in which you will move based on critical thinking, reflexes and multiple attempts.

XboxEra - Győző Baki - 8.6 / 10

Mad Head Games' first foray into the cinematic third person games doesn't try to reinvent the formula, yet offers an engaging, memorable and atmospheric adventure that I can wholeheartedly recommend to any fan of the genre who's able to appreciate the game's relatively limited scope.

The Games Machine - Emanuele Feronato - Italian - 8.4 / 10

Scars Above is an excellent TPS with a plot that plays a leading role without stealing the show to the action. Due to a wave of alien monsters or some environmental trap and the above-average difficult, Kate Ward's every step is likely to be her last. Character growth is not as important, but anyway it remains a game that entices us to progress just to find out what new surprises are awaiting.

Checkpoint Gaming - Victor Tan - 8 / 10

Scars Above sets out as a standard sci-fi action game and experiments to great success. The story intelligently weaves in some horror elements to keep you hooked with a level of narrative consistency and cohesion that keeps things simple yet enjoyable. Combat is fun and forces you to think on your feet, leaving you properly immersed in the gameplay. With only one save file and a lack of voice and mouth synchronization, the game certainly isn't beyond criticism. Although despite the shortcomings, Scars Above is a great example of a game that isn't afraid to push boundaries, and succeeds in delivering a fun experience that doesn't overstay its welcome.

FingerGuns - Sean Davies - 8 / 10

By building the experience around its main protagonist, Scars Above creates impressive symmetry between its story, combat and systems. This results in a standout sci-fi soulslike that’ll accommodate genre aficionados and newcomers alike. It has a few blemishes but they do little to sour the experience.

GamingBolt - Mike Alexander - 8 / 10

Scars Above is a fascinating mix of point-and-click narrative and Soulslike action games. I can't recall playing a game quite like it in the recent past, and for that alone, it deserves praise.

God is a Geek - Chris White - 8 / 10

Scars Above is a well-crafted third-person shooter with plenty of options to take on the punishing alien world you find yourself in.

PSX Brasil - Marco Aurélio Couto - Portuguese - 80 / 100

Combining classic sci-fi elements with an intriguing story, Scars Above presents a great combat and exploration experience, where the satisfaction of overcoming its challenges represents very well the feeling of surviving on a hostile alien planet.

SECTOR.sk - Branislav Kohút - Slovak - 8 / 10

Although Scars Above will not become a gaming icon and you will quickly forget the name of the main character, we have a good feeling about the sci-fi adventure. Especially the first phase of the game is imaginative, then the level drops a bit and the gameplay is more austere, but finally everything ends successfully.

Wccftech - Ule Lopez - 8 / 10

Scars Above offers a great shooter experience that's a bit rough around the edges in some areas when it comes to realizing its vision and potential. While these problems are noticeable, I don't feel like it takes too much from the full product while offering a haunting survival horror experience with a unique gimmick that makes players think about the best approach to the way they face the environment around the enemies.

GAMES.CH - Joel Kogler - German - 78%

Scars Above takes some time to unfold ist true potential, both in the story and its gameplay. The exploration of this unknown planet in the role of a stranded researcher is unforgiving and refuses to compromise on the almost puzzle-like combat, even if some encounters early on can be frustrating as you get to grips with how the game wants you to play. Scars Above isn't for everyone, as it demands a lot more thought and strategy during combat than it lets on, but if you're willing to learn and be patient, this one's definitely worth your time.

Generación Xbox - Javier Gutierrez Bassols - Spanish - 78 / 100

A good proposal that mixes several elements of different generosity to create its own identity, but fails in its graphic section.

NoobFeed - Azfar Rayan - 75 / 100

Scars Above has some promising ideas for a much deeper sci-fi action game, but not all were fully utilized. While it aims to be a Souls game, it ultimately comes out mostly as a decent third-person shooter. It's true that the game isn't perfect and has its share of drawbacks; still, it manages to differentiate itself from the crowd of soulslike games by introducing some fresh concepts.

Use a Potion - 7.5 / 10

With its enjoyable combat, compelling storytelling, and slick world design, Scars Above has been a really pleasant surprise. I didn’t go in with hefty expectations given the game’s budget release, but I found myself gripped into the narrative, whilst the exciting action kept me on my toes.

Don’t get me wrong, it won’t win any points for originality as far as its gameplay is concerned whilst some aspects of the visuals and dialogue can be a little lacking, but nothing in the game is bad at all. It can just be a bit by the numbers, but, given the short length, that isn’t necessarily a bad thing.

INVEN - Suhyung Jung - Korean - 7.2 / 10

A game suitable for those who loves Sci-Fi creatures. It delivers the concept of facing various life forms during an adventure throughout an unknown planet quite well. A shooting action which requires puzzle-solving brain work is also quite interesting. However, you need to endure the unnatural modeling, stiff animation and unreasonable level designs before all these charms.

But Why Tho? - Quinn Hiers - 7 / 10

Scars Above has its ups and downs but offers fun gameplay with interesting mechanics in an alien world that is equal parts beautiful and dangerous. There’s a good mystery to be solved, even if it’s a bit too straightforward. And while there are a few snags regarding the script, I very much appreciate the scientific approach with Kate.

Hey Poor Player - Shane Boyle - 3.5 / 5

Scars Above is a valiant attempt at providing a fresh spin on the souls-like genre. Its elemental-based third-person shooting feels genuinely fresh, with its reliance on environmental debuffs and stacking combos representing a genuine innovation within a space that isn’t exactly known for innovating, so it’s just a shame that the progression system feels so at odds with the efforts gone to by the developers in order to make Scars Above stand out. Despite that, the combat is still strong and is supplemented greatly by an atmosphere that, at times, feels truly out of this world. With that in mind, I definitely think souls-like fans and sci-fi fans alike should strap in and prepare for lift-off and join Kate on her journey into the unknown.

Kakuchopurei - Alleef Ashaari - 70 / 100

Scars Above is a decent game that fans of sci-fi can appreciate. It does suffer from jankiness and some issues, but it feels like Mad Head Games did put a lot of effort into making the elements in this game work properly.

Niche Gamer - bigbear51 - 7 / 10

All in all, Scars Above is good for what it is. While it doesn’t top out other recent AAA launches, it’s also not a AAA launch in the first place, so it comes with a lower price tag to match what it offers.

However, it’s also absurdly short for what it is and replay value is lacking. Scars Above is more for those looking for something new and aren’t particularly looking for the next game of the year.

NookGaming - Damien Booth - 7 / 10

Scars Above is one of the most immersive and enjoyable titles I’ve played in some time. The world, characters, gameplay loop, and challenge make Scars Above a game worth revisiting and re-experiencing. The problem is one would need to get through a truly abysmal opening to feel the investment Mad House Games aimed for here. 

Overall, an authentically fun game, held back by a poor opening.

PlayStation Universe - Neil Bolt - 7 / 10

An interesting concoction of genre traits and structures makes Scars Above one of the more engaging action-adventure game attempts even if it does suffer from some combat woes.

Press Start - Steven Impson - 7 / 10

Scars Above's exploration gameplay is rewarding, if a little trite and it's characters mostly forgettable – but some inventive combat saves it mediocrity. A decently fun, if not overly groundbreaking, sci-fi action adventure.

The Beta Network - Samuel Incze - 7 / 10

Scars above is a fascinating third-person sci-fi adventure. It features an intriguing narrative that  starts out a little slow, but it does quickly pick up and becomes one of its biggest strengths. The gameplay  is a lot of fun, but doesn’t do anything particularly innovative to stand out from other similar titles. The game features some aesthetically pleasing environments, as well some really uniquely creature designs but the characters lack polish with the mouth movements in particular making them look a little like puppets at times.

TheGamer - Andrew King - 3.5 / 5

Despite its flaws, Scars Above's engaging combat and expansive toolkit keep it interesting for its entire 10-hour campaign. Though its world is gray and the story leading you through its levels is a let down, the moment-to-moment gameplay makes the journey worth taking. This space adventure isn't the final frontier of third-person action games, but it manages to offer roughly the same thrills as a pretty good SyFy Original movie. It isn't the cutting edge, but it's sharp in its own right.

TheSixthAxis - Steve C - 7 / 10

Scars Above is a great addition to the library of single player adventures and it tells an engaging sci-fi story that interrogates ideas of genetic manipulation, free will, and sacrifice. While it loses momentum a little towards the end, it serves as a fantastic advertisement for smaller budget games and is well worth picking up.

WayTooManyGames - Jordan Hawes - 7 / 10

Scars Above impressed me and it left me satisfied in the end. I’m glad it didn’t just try to be Returnal or a straight roguelite, and instead had its own unique ideas on how to take on bosses and puzzles. There are some flaws here, but I think that is due mostly to a smaller team and it being an AA game.

WellPlayed - Edward Darling - 7 / 10

Scars Above is an enjoyable, if simple, entry into the sci-fi shooter genre. Although elements of the game feel a bit rushed or unpolished, none of that will detract from the overall experience. If you have a few hours to spare and you like mysterious adventures on far-flung planets, I recommend giving this one a go.

Xbox Achievements - Richard Walker - 70%

A perfectly decent chunk of linear extra-terrestrial shooting, with a sprinkling of mild Soulslike elements, nice puzzles, and plenty of exploration, Scars Above is a double-A budget game that's worth a look.

ZTGD - Ken McKown - 7 / 10

Scars Above is a solid sci-fi romp with an identity complex. It wants so badly to be a Soulslike and instead feels more like a game that just borrows ideas without understanding what makes them work. I enjoyed my playthrough, but I wish it would have leaned into its own ideas instead of trying to mimic something else. The story is interesting, the game play is fun, but I wish it wouldn’t have taken so much inspiration from other titles.

COGconnected - Mark Steighner - 68 / 100

Quote not yet available

Hobby Consolas - Daniel Quesada - Spanish - 67 / 100

A good example of a game that would have needed a thorough review to go out and reduce its true quality. Some ingredients are fine, but the set is below what you would expect from a "space" adventure like this. It's not terrible, but it's forgettable, unfortunately.

Gaming Nexus - Henry Yu - 6.5 / 10

There's not a lot of negative things I have to say about Mad Head Games' Scars Above, but I don't have a lot of positive things to say either. It's an aggressively average experience brought down by performance issues and lack of important accessibility features. Even where color is present, this game drowns in dullness.

IGN Italy - Angelo Bianco - Italian - 6.4 / 10

As a TPS with soulsike elements and a sci-fi setting, Scars Above fails to be a worthy heir to Returnal due to several limitations that make the game very different to shine, especially from a technical point of view.

Spaziogames - Nicolò Bicego - Italian - 6.2 / 10

Scars Above is pretty much forgettable and that's a real shame, because some of its intriguing ideas had no chance to shine in the game structure and its mechanics.

AltChar - Semir Omerovic - 60 / 100

Scars Above is an average third-person action-adventure shooter that doesn't try anything new, despite being set in such an interesting sci-fi world, that invites unique ideas and concepts.

Capsule Computers - Travis Bruno - 6 / 10

Scars Above's premise and storyline are the best parts but poorly balanced combat and lack of extra content make this sci-fi tale one that is over far too quickly to be memorable.

Daily Star - Tom Hutchison - 3 / 5

A decent but not amazing game with few surprises.

Everyeye.it - Lorenzo Mango - Italian - 6 / 10

The inspired environments and tactical element behind the gunplay are certainly appreciable but they fail to overcome the boundaries of sufficiency to Scars Above.

IGN Spain - Rafa Del Río - Spanish - 6 / 10

Scars Above offers a space adventure that mixes several genres with an asymmetric result that does not work as well as it should.

Stevivor - Steve Wright - 6 / 10

While Scars Above has a predictable story, it’s nevertheless an engaging, interesting sci-fi title that would have benefited as a shooter/exploration hybrid rather than the Soulslike it wants to be. Your expierience will definitely vary, though if you’re intrigued by its premise at all, don’t be afraid to drop down to its lowest difficulty in order to try to experience it.

Twinfinite - Cameron Waldrop - 3 / 5

Scars Above offers a rather condensed third-person shooter adventure. While I was surprised at how quickly I breezed through the game, considering the other titles it was borrowing ideas from, it was still an interesting journey. I wouldn’t say there’s anything refreshing about the game, but there’s enough there for those wanting a jaunt through an alien world.

VGChartz - Evan Norris - 5.5 / 10

While the core shooting mechanics and elemental weapons deliver the goods by setting up engaging, open-ended tactical battles, all of the elements that surround that core are lacking in some way.

Attack of the Fanboy - J.T. Isenhour - 2.5 / 5

Scars Above tried to make its place by adding twists onto well know mechanics, but tragically falls just short. While it does bring many new and interesting ideas to the table, it is hard to notice them when none of the other mechanics seem to work well together.

DualShockers - Jack Coleman - 5 / 10

While it does have some good moments, Scars Above is ultimately an unimaginative experience devoid of any cutting edge.

Gfinity - James Bentley - 5 / 10

Scars Above is an interesting toe in the water for many different genres but as you start to descend, you realise how shallow that puddle really is. An interesting world and decent elemental mechanics are held back by poor exploration and an unwillingness to push the boat out.

Hardcore Gamer - Kyle LeClair - 2.5 / 5

Perhaps if Scars Above had put more work into the areas where our lead heroine has to explore this strange world and analyze it more in order to solve various puzzles, basically letting her be the scientist she is, it could have been vastly better overall, or at least help give it a better identity to help it stand out more.

IGN - Axel Bosso - 5 / 10

Scars Above is a journey into a mysterious planet that lacks polish, depth, and balance, preventing it from being a memorable third-person shooter.

Push Square - Khayl Adam - 5 / 10

Scars Above is a more appealing prospect than it is a final product - an interesting premise that's ultimately lost amidst repetitive gameplay and mundane design. Some aspects of it are genuinely intriguing, if underexplored, but simply reaching for the stars alone is no guarantee of ever actually leaving orbit, let alone getting off the ground - and recommending this experience over any other is a bit rich, even for the lower asking price.

Game Rant - Dalton Cooper - 1 / 5

Unless one is really desperate to unlock a bunch of easy achievements, there is no real reason to play Scars Above. It's like a video game rough draft. Some games have been accused of being half-baked, but Scars Above is like raw dough. It has some interesting concepts and weapons, but it never grows into anything resembling a full-fledged gaming experience. Its budget price of $40 is still asking way too much, even for the most diehard third-person shooter enthusiasts. Scars Above may mimic games like Returnal and Dark Souls, but it is highly unlikely to please fans of either game.

ACG - Jeremy Penter - Wait for Sale

Video Review - Quote not available

Console Creatures - Bobby Pashalidis - Avoid

Scars Above offers a bold introduction that devolves into repetitiveness.

Duuro Magazine - Krist Duro - Recommended

Apart from some cutscene jank, Scars Above is still a fantastic new release that delivers a really great gaming experience.

The Escapist - Elise Avery - Unscored

Video Review - Quote not available


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I'm about 2 hours in. Definitely a jank experience, but one I'm enjoying. Its a b-tier title that you'd see a dozen times a year in the PS2/Xbox-PS3/360 era, but has become less common of late. Its graphics are actually pretty good, but its animations are canned. Fun but not brilliant, then again, it doesn't need to be.  

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53 minutes ago, Mr.Vic20 said:

I'm about 2 hours in. Definitely a jank experience, but one I'm enjoying. Its a b-tier title that you'd see a dozen times a year in the PS2/Xbox-PS3/360 era, but has become less common of late. Its graphics are actually pretty good, but its animations are canned. Fun but not brilliant, then again, it doesn't need to be.  


Nothing can sell me on a game more effectively than what you just described.  Midway-tier AA games with an interesting hook are what we have been missing for almost twenty years at this point.  I thought Evil West would scratch this itch but that one was pretty disappointing sadly.

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33 minutes ago, ShreddieMercury said:


Nothing can sell me on a game more effectively than what you just described.  Midway-tier AA games with an interesting hook are what we have been missing for almost twenty years at this point.


Also only $40 ($33 on sale right now)

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  • 4 months later...

I just bought this on sale for $19.99 which is the right price for it IMO. It’s like a mix of Dark Souls, Dead Space and Mass Effect (without the RPG elements). It’s a fairly linear third person sci-fi horror shooter for the most part.


The environment graphics are really good, but the character models look a little hokey including the main protagonist who I think that they intentionally made fairly average and unattractive looking since western game devs are afraid of attractive women these days for some reason.


The game is rather standard for the genre, you make your way through directed and funneled levels shooting alien creatures. It seems like a game from the PS2/Xbox/PS3/Xbox 360 generations, it’s antiquated in a lot of ways but still fun.

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