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Nintendo to Replace Nearly 18 Year Old Multiplayer Server System With Something More Modern


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5 hours ago, BloodyHell said:

No  i mean we have had multiple conversations about Nintendo, like about its hardware problems, and you seemed very defensive about it.


4 hours ago, BloodyHell said:

Just a little 😆


I don’t know how anyone could call Nintendo's friend/online system fine, its actually terrible and cumbersome. I mean, its really bad. Friend Codes are the worst system ive ever seen for online play, and they came out long after MS and Sony showed them the proper way to do it. 


In fact, I'd say its part of the reason nobody buys 3rd party games for it.


Well, I think I've only said that Nintendo had the most reliable hardware...is that really up for debate? I mean, it's not like memes like these get made for no reason:








I'm not saying Nintendo's hardware is perfect (I know from first hand experience, if you remember my 3DS apocalypse story... :( ) but broadly speaking it's well regarded as having the most reliable machines on the market. If you disagree, that's fine. I just think the majority of people accept the fact that they are. But like whatever, haha. 


As for Friend Codes...look there is no way to really deny the fact that the system they have in place is antiquated. It was when it first came out, and I won't argue. *That* said? I think it's really blown WAY out of proportion. Yes, it's ridiculous. Yes, there are better ways to do Friend Lists. Yes, it's stupid that they still haven't gotten completely rid of them (though you can Friend someone through other means without the use of codes). 


However, it's not that bad. I kinda rationalize it like this: it's like getting someone's phone number. What do we do with those? We plug in a 10 or 11-digit code into our phone, create a new contact within the phone, and then done. Never have to remember that number again. Now consider a Friend Code. We plug in a 12-digit number (*1* measly number more than a normal telephone number) into our Switch. Boom, done. Took all of 30 seconds and you never have to do that again. Was it REALLY that difficult? Seriously? I mean...c'mon. :p 


But again, yeah it is the worst online system for online play. But it's no where near as bad as some make it out to be. And it's not like Playstation or Xbox's online systems are this holy land of perfect connections and completely happy customers. I've played plenty of online games for both systems and had to deal with lag, slowdown, disconnections, the whole 9 yards. Plus my accounts have been hacked and had money stolen from both systems (never happened with Nintendo...knock on wood) And everyone like to boast about online chat, but honestly? The amount of garbage I've heard from rando's online? Yeah I've sworn off online chat with anyone expect my friends and family. I guess I should have expected it, but WOW. People get really salty when they lose in Street Fighter, LOL. I couldn't hit the mute button fast enough! 


Again, thanks for chatting with me about stupid stuff like this. I honestly do appreciate it. Cheers! 


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I've had many problems with Nintendo hardware, and Nintendo refused to fix them every time, even under warranty. I don't give a damn if electronics break, as long as the company is willing to fix them and address the problem. Nintendo denies the problem, while MS and Sony move forward and fix them. Even with Joycons, they lost a class action, and still haven't fixed the problem, or even admitted there is one! Repair is fine, WHEN YOU'RE ADDRESSING THE PROBLEM TO ENSURE IT DOESN'T CONTINUE!


I completely disagree about the online. Its not acceptable. It wasn't acceptable when it launched, and it is not acceptable now. And it doesn't matter if you don't like online chat, millions do. I find "It hasn't affected me, so I don't care" to be a sad and lazy approach. I need a phone to voice chat! Its absolutely ridiculous! And convenience is important, theres nothing convenient about friends codes. 

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Seems we both have legitimate problems with different companies, and different levels of what is acceptable and what is absolutely not. And I think that's fine.


Also, I didn't say I didn't like Voice Chat. Nah, it's cool! But I only use it with people I know. But even then, I don't use the console for chat, I've always used a separate, dedicated system like Skype or (more recently) Discord. I'm only speaking for myself, but voice chat over the system's VOIP on ANY platform has been terrible IMO. Much better to use a dedicated program for that feature. That's just me and my friends, though.


I do agree that Friend Codes aren't convenient. (pretty sure I never said they were) I just don't think it's the end of the world. *shrugs* 



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On 2/9/2021 at 3:39 PM, GameDadGrant said:


Well, to be fair, I don't think anyone (including myself) said it was "great." Just that it's "fine." Perfectly fine. Not good. Definitely not great. But...it's fine. 


But what's this about not being able to play online with your friends? Personally, I do that all the time. And you can definitely send messages/game invites to your friends. In your Switch's profile page, on the menu on the left of the screen, there is an option there called "Online Play Invites" which is the 4th option in that menu. Right between "Trending" and "Friend Suggestions." I think there are some more options like that within their phone app thingy, but I never use that so I don't know for sure! :p 


The Share Play thing that Sony does is awesome, though. I do wish Switch had that. Heck, it should be industry standard! (does Xbox offer this service?) Nintendo had been doing an offline version of this feature for years...via the GBA/DS/3DS "Single Cart/Download Play" option. But that was just local play, not online. Wish they would build upon that for Switch for both offline and online play. But...alas.


At least you can play classic NES and SNES games online together with friends, which is at least something. Unless I'm mistaken, you can't play classic games online on Playstation or Xbox, right? So...that's at least something.


And okay, fine @BloodyHell THIS post was me defending Nintendo, sue me! :p 



Fine is a generous term. you are mistaken you can play online any game with your friends on PlayStation using share play. The only limitation I have found since importing games is that the game has to be the same region as the PSN accounts. So my Physical Copy of Capcom's Belt Action Collection will not work with share play but if I had the digital version no problem. So I keep an eye out for double dipping some if on extreme sale.

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Nintendo has historically had very reliable and durable hardware. I have not been impressed with their stuff in the past several years though. I went through many 3DS units because the screen breaks super easy and is highly vulnerable to even mild moisture. 


And the joy con issue alone has tanked my opinion of Nintendo completely. They're fucking miserable drifting piles of shit, every single one I've owned has severe drift issues so bad my wife who only plays Animal Crossing and my 6 year old daughter both refuse to use them because they make games annoying and near unplayable. Meanwhile Nintendo denies there's even a problem. Fuck them, they can suck my ass.


Meanwhile my old ass Galaxy S5 was waterproof, and was dropped, without a case, on concrete, near DAILY due to me being completely haphazard with it, and it never cracked or got even slight water damage. My daughter uses it now and it's still kicking just fine. Meanwhile I have to baby my 3DS like it's made out of porcelain, and my Switch is even less portable than the chunky bitch normally is because I need a pro pad with it at all times. 


Nintendo's online being fine because you barely use it and use third party tools is like saying your city's public transportation is fine because you drive everywhere. 

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2 hours ago, Xbob42 said:

Nintendo has historically had very reliable and durable hardware. I have not been impressed with their stuff in the past several years though. I went through many 3DS units because the screen breaks super easy and is highly vulnerable to even mild moisture. 


And the joy con issue alone has tanked my opinion of Nintendo completely. They're fucking miserable drifting piles of shit, every single one I've owned has severe drift issues so bad my wife who only plays Animal Crossing and my 6 year old daughter both refuse to use them because they make games annoying and near unplayable. Meanwhile Nintendo denies there's even a problem. Fuck them, they can suck my ass.


Meanwhile my old ass Galaxy S5 was waterproof, and was dropped, without a case, on concrete, near DAILY due to me being completely haphazard with it, and it never cracked or got even slight water damage. My daughter uses it now and it's still kicking just fine. Meanwhile I have to baby my 3DS like it's made out of porcelain, and my Switch is even less portable than the chunky bitch normally is because I need a pro pad with it at all times. 


Nintendo's online being fine because you barely use it and use third party tools is like saying your city's public transportation is fine because you drive everywhere. 

Mostly this. I always find it weird when people rush to defend their horrible practices, treatment of consumers, and even their use of Uyghur people as slave labor.

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Just to clear up some misinformation ITT:


1.) Nintendo has admitted and addressed the JoyCon issue and newer builds of the controller do not have the drift issue. They will repair drifting JoyCon for free. (I’ve had them do this multiple times)


2.) The slave labor is not a good thing obviously but it’s not just Nintendo. Companies that use Uyghur labor also include Sony and Microsoft. (!) Not that that makes it any better, but demonizing Nintendo and not putting blame on anyone else is kinda BS.


3.) Nintendo hardware is still pretty reliable, at least in my experience. I’ve dropped my 3DS and Switch a couple of times on hard surfaces and they kept working just fine. Take care of your electronics, people! I’m pretty sure if I dropped my PS5 on concrete it wouldn’t work so well afterwards! Freakin’ thing weighs a damn metric ton. 

4.) Nintendo’s online service is outdated because there is no voice chat, basically. Well, and Smash’s net code is literally the absolute worst. 

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37 minutes ago, GameDadGrant said:

Nintendo has admitted and addressed the JoyCon issue and newer builds of the controller do not have the drift issue. They will repair drifting JoyCon for free. (I’ve had them do this multiple times)

You have a link for this? As far as I am aware they are still being sued and this seems like a good way to lose the case

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1 hour ago, SimpleG said:

Dont forget the shitty friends codes!


Meh. Friend Codes aren’t the end of the world and there are other ways to Friend people without codes.


Steam uses Friend Codes too and you don’t hear people bitching about that. *shrugs*

1 hour ago, SimpleG said:

You have a link for this? As far as I am aware they are still being sued and this seems like a good way to lose the case

Pretty sure they already lost the case? That’s why they are fixing JoyCon for free.


It is shitty that it took a class-action lawsuit for them to do this, but we gotta make these huge companies accountable for their screw ups.

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8 minutes ago, GameDadGrant said:


Meh. Friend Codes aren’t the end of the world and there are other ways to Friend people without codes.


Steam uses Friend Codes too and you don’t hear people bitching about that. *shrugs*

Pretty sure they already lost the case? That’s why they are fixing JoyCon for free.

Yeah, they lost the case and still refuse to admit its a problem, even though they legally have to fix it. And no, new joycons aren't fixed. 


And steam coxes are very different. The system has the same name, but is nothing alike. It also doesn’t require a phone to voice chat.

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6 minutes ago, BloodyHell said:

Yeah, they lost the case and still refuse to admit its a problem, even though they legally have to fix it. And no, new joycons aren't fixed. 


And steam coxes are very different. The system has the same name, but is nothing alike. It also doesn’t require a phone to voice chat.

Newer JoyCon don’t have the same issue. That’s probably why they are saying it’s not a problem. Even though that is a garbage stance to take, IMO. 

How do Friend Codes differ on Steam? Seems the same to me? 

The phone app is just for a few games anyway. Several games have normal voice chat if you REALLY need to use just the console for it. Just plug in a headset and you’re good to go. It’s always better to use a separate device in my experience, but to each their own.

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Just now, GameDadGrant said:

Newer JoyCon don’t have the same issue. That’s probably why they are saying it’s not a problem. Even though that is a garbage stance to take, IMO. 

How do Friend Codes differ on Steam? Seems the same to me? 

Because I can easily invite someone to be my friend without knowing their code. 


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1 hour ago, GameDadGrant said:

Steam uses Friend Codes too and you don’t hear people bitching about that. *shrugs*


The difference (one of many) is, your code never changes. They've had a unified system since 2002 and you can message people, voice chat, group chat, gift games, trade items and a whole lot of things that you can't do on Nintendo systems because their stuff is all fragmented. Heck they didn't even have a digital account system for the Wii, if you bought it it's probably gone now.

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35 minutes ago, BloodyHell said:

Oh, and yes newer joycons have that issue. My wife got new ones in October that she needs to send back. I think thats the fourth set so far. 


Hm. Well I just got new ones in November and haven’t had an issue with them. Guess I’ll keep an eye on them just in case. 

Yeah I’ve sent mine in 4 or 5 times so far too. Easily the worst quality control Nintendo’s had, ever. 


28 minutes ago, Keyser_Soze said:


The difference (one of many) is, your code never changes. They've had a unified system since 2002 and you can message people, voice chat, group chat, gift games, trade items and a whole lot of things that you can't do on Nintendo systems because their stuff is all fragmented. Heck they didn't even have a digital account system for the Wii, if you bought it it's probably gone now.

Yeah Steam is a little easier to update and keep modern since it’s kinda nebulous and isn’t tied to any specific hardware. 

Nintendo’s online account is fragmented from each hardware iteration, true. You get a new Friend Code with each new piece of hardware. But each account has a record and history with Club Nintendo (now my.nintendo). You can also gift games and other things via their website to friends and family. 

Messaging and voice chat are, as I’ve said before, Nintendo’s biggest weak spot. Would be nice if they fixed that, even if it wouldn’t matter to me personally.

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