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Everything posted by GameDadGrant

  1. Finally started Bomb Rush Cyber Funk and it's pretty fun. It'll hold me over until the new Jet Set Radio.
  2. I mean...alright then. If this ends up being good, sign me up. Agreed. Holy crap.
  3. Ugh. That’s disappointing. Guess I’ll start looking through my carts.
  4. Yeah, the Wii definitely made some waves. But I still think mobile gaming is what made gaming "acceptable" to the masses. For better or worse. Damn you, Candy Crush. LOL
  5. True on both accounts. But here's another fact that people seem to ignore...the PS2 and Xbox? Also for children. Because let's face it; we are all children. The Gamecube was pretty sweet, but for me? The Game Boy Player sealed the deal. Being able to play the latest Castlevania games on a big screen? Yo, that was awesome. Everyone wanted a follow-up to Symphony of the Night and the only place to get it was on GBA. On consoles we got new 3D games (which are still good!) but it wasn't the same as the 2D "Metroidvania / IGAvania" titles.
  6. Damn, three TVs...and no one had a Gamecube? Damn purple lunchbox can't catch a break! LOL The second time I went to college, SSX3 would be THE game. If not Halo or Smash Melee.
  7. I was never high, but those mall days were something. Going in to buy whatever crap you thought was cool at the time, wandering into other stores for no reason, getting your favorite meal at the food court, seeing (and playing!) the latest arcade games, and hoping your crush was at the mall at the same time…kids today will never know. Malls that still exist today? Kinda eerie.
  8. Wow. Vampire Survivors has taken up my time recently. Damn you, Steam sales.
  9. Right on. Be sure to play Xenogears if you get a chance. Not sure if that’s on PSN or not.
  10. To be fair, he composed *some* of the soundtrack. Not all tracks are Mitsuda originals. Some songs are made from Sabotage's in-house composer (Eric W Brown).
  11. What. WHAT. Yasunori Mitsuda. One of the best, most prolific video game composers of all time. Chrono Trigger. Chrono Cross. Xenogears. Shadow Hearts. Luminous Arc. Xenoblade Chronicles 2 and Xenoblade Chronicles 3.
  12. It’s from the same studio that made The Messenger so expect that level of quality. (It’s good)
  13. @Commissar SFLUFAN Hell yeah, F-ZERO 99! Finally the game gets some respect!
  14. Bayonetta 3. Great action game is great. And you liked the previous two games? Easy choice.
  15. I wonder how many people still play Wii U and/or 3DS online anymore? He is using his “new” Wii U as an emulation machine, essentially. And he isn’t even using Nintendo’s servers to get online. He uses something called Pretendo.
  16. May as well shove it up my ass. That’s about all the good it’ll do me. LOL
  17. My mom bought my son a $250 Xbox gift card for Christmas. We don’t own an Xbox. Somehow, she thought Xbox was the same as Playstation. 🤦‍♂️ If anyone wants to purchase $250 worth of Xbox credit (PayPal, Venmo, Zell, whatevs) let me know. I’ll send the code immediately. God. I thought it was bad when my parents called all video games “Nintendo” back in the day. At least that was harmless ignorance.
  18. My son got a Wii U for Christmas. Needs an external Hard Disk Drive for storage. Any suggestions? Most likely need one with its own A/C adaptor.
  19. World of Horror Vernal Edge Dragon Quest Monsters: The Dark Prince
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