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Everything posted by eggydoo

  1. If you did it at a later level and have proper gear at your level, it didn't end up being too bad. But I think I walked in at lvl14-15? and I got destroyed. I went back at like lvl 20 i think and was much easier that I had additional skills and proper armor.
  2. It is? My vote goes towards the damn boar you fight in the beginning of the game when you have no skills and shitty armor.
  3. Out of curiosity, how much were they going for used? If you don't mind telling.
  4. You underestimate the amount of middle aged or older women wanting to see a shirtless good looking man while also being a good movie for their kids.
  5. What level are you? I'd pick up the heal skill stat so you're not having to run away and heal. Get those parries and dodges down! Also poison weakens the enemy's defense/atk as well as do damage over time. After playing more around with the skills, I am really liking the Ring of Chaos move...it's like an AOE proximity blast that clears crowds around you and knocks them down. I found it more useful than spartan kick or shield breaker. Then while they are down, you can combo them with normal attacks. Also if you have elemental weapons or have fire/poison skill activated, the DOT build up is applied on the move. Edit: here is vid I found on youtube just now
  6. I didn't find it too bad as long as there is not a mob of other enemies fighting you at the same time. 1v1 fights you should have no problem. If you have a Hunter build, you can typically pick them off and whittle them down with arrows as well. If you care about ship cosmetics, definitely do the sunken ship explorations. You sometimes get new sail or a crew as a reward. Agree with Pikachu on the rest.
  7. I'm replaying the game since I rushed through the main story my first play through and will say this game is way more enjoyable after the learning curve is out of the picture. Im mostly exploring areas I mostly just ran through.
  8. I want to play the Genesis version now. I had home alone 2 as a kid and played the shit out of its terrible glory.
  9. oh snap, i guess i'll create an online character for that free goooolllddd. tagging @bladimir2k
  10. Saw an early showing of this earlier this week and both my kids (age 5 and 7) loved it along with the wife. The end credit scene is amazing, so definitely stay for it.
  11. I still remember going to a "free concert" where he was at where the club charged $100 for parking. Most people decided to park at empty shopping plaza next door which they proceeded to tow everyone. My buddy was out $200 that night for a shitty free concert.
  12. Nice, I'm picking it back up now that i'm done with main game in RDR2. Honestly people that have complained about RDR2 need to play this game instead.
  13. I've never done any of the side stuff in any rockstar game, but the stranger quests are gold. You should do those at least.
  14. PC, I'm on the fence on this game so I want to see how it plays on PC before committing. Plus I figured it would be easier to get in on PC due to the high PC requirements.
  15. I was able to sign up. I already had an existing EA account though.
  16. The worst thing is it's leftover inventory from the PS3. They still use the old mini usb connectors and not the micro the PS4 uses.
  17. They were going for about $5 until the PSVR came out...now Sony jacked up the price on them again.
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