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Everything posted by eggydoo

  1. You really only need to kill the regular enemies for Sen (money), skill points and consumables. Don't forget you can stealth and de-aggro. I typically clear out an area so I can explore the area. There are tons of little off path routes that lead to loot.
  2. I was the same way. I didn't know where to get firecrackers until I faced the bull and a guide said to use it. For dogs, I just go crazy spamming whirlwind slash lol
  3. I kind of had the same question lol. I think from the description, it is a wider AOE. I haven't noticed much from an upgraded shuriken either although the description makes it sound like it'll stick on them and keep spinning. It's to a point I haven't even upgraded any other tools cause I rarely use it anyway. It really seems like firecrackers are the best tool in the game. Kind of brings up a good topic of which tools are actually useful. I used the axe at first quite a bit to break posture dmg, but now that I have samurai down slash double move, I do that more often as it doesn't cost spirit. The sabimaru seems to be a quick easy way to take out middle tier enemies. Found this vid on youtube.
  4. Even back then the graphics looked bad. My mom use to watch me play FF6 when I was a kid and she was like, "why did you pick this game? It doesn't look nice at all." But then she got totally engrossed in the story and loved it.
  5. Omg did it really cost that much? I remember saving up all my money as a kid for it. Best FF game.
  6. The first phase isn't too bad once you learn it but I was having a difficult time with 2nd phase where I had to look it up. I'll try it again tomorrow.
  7. Yep, the one in a cave entrance. His patterns arent even difficult. It's just the camera gets all crazy when i'm back against a wall.
  8. strangley having a hard time with that purple ninja cause the space is so confined my camera gets all crazy Edit: and of course after i post this i destroy him on the next try....
  9. So you stealthed him twice? I was only able to do it once. He's not too difficult though. Now the next boss gave me trouble even after looking up how to beat it.
  10. @Anzo and I almost squeaked out a win the other day and we haven't played the game in forever.
  11. Watched a vid and I think I know why I was messing up with the dodges. I was trying to dodge through her like DS since that worked on other enemies. In the vid he was just dodging to the left and attack and dodge to the right and attack. Will give it a shot.
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