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Everything posted by b_m_b_m_b_m

  1. Between this, almost literally COINTELPRO, the abuses by ICE and BP, and the jack booted thugs in ICE/DOC/BP/etc that trump is using as his own personal thugs, it's time to end the org once and for all
  2. I hate to think how many people republicans like this have killed in their partisan push to own the libs
  3. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nazi_human_experimentation https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Doctors'_trial I don't know the full context of the Nuremberg codes that resulted from these trials, so no doubt these "covid truthers" are taking something out of context or letting their imaginations run wild
  4. @CayceG found the Instagram post, and shockingly the picture above, the one with "not his wife" with unzipped pants was deleted!
  5. Not 1984, but Nazi Germany. Wearing a mask is just like forcing Jews to wear the star of David on their arm. Next thing is camps for mandatory vaccines (something we got Nazis for in Nuremberg allegedly)
  6. Honestly I think the fuckery will come so fast and in such a short time, we're not going to know how to process it all before it's too late
  7. Gearing up for my first one in the house instead of an big apartment. Looking like mostly rain for us in Richmond, or at least that's the guidance
  8. And in alt world with president Hillary, we'd probably be looking at an even more conservative senate and house so uh... yeahhhh
  9. I have no complaints on my pixel(s) that I've owned, had to upgrade from my pixel 1 a few months ago because it stopped charging
  10. There is no convincing me that we would not have at least tens of thousands of deaths because of political and cultural partisanship (by conservatives mind you) You think these people would wear a mask or socially distance if an alternative history president Hillary Clinton told them to and led by example?
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