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Everything posted by b_m_b_m_b_m

  1. He's on record saying absentee voting is fine just change your fucking messaging jfc Real glad he doesn't have the authority to change election dates
  2. Time to open up! Virus is over! Cut unemployment benefits they're helping people too much, keeping them at home when they should be risking the the lives of themselves and their family for a dead-end low wage job!
  3. https://www.nytimes.com/2020/04/08/nyregion/new-york-coronavirus-response-delays.html Just quoting the grey lady for shits and giggles
  4. I wouldn't have as much a problem with "defending Europe" and being their allies if the bases weren't supporting and launching pads for endless war in the middle east and africa. That and we spend hundreds of billions on overseas bases while people are cast to the wolves here at home.
  5. The most polarizing man on the planet coming out against fair housing: probably a good thing
  6. Good thing Biden is polling 50+% then and that's before anyone undecided on trump (who can go pound sand because it won't really matter) make a choice
  7. He did not go to the gym, hoyer clarified later he was talking about Rand Paul who did go to the gym
  8. https://www.thedrive.com/news/26727/tesla-had-3-times-as-many-osha-violations-as-the-10-largest-us-plants-combined Unions change the culture of the companies they work for, for better safety, regardless of the laws on the books. https://www.technologyreview.com/2018/04/16/143870/tesla-says-its-factory-is-saferbut-it-left-injuries-off-the-books/ To act like the laws and regulations on the books is the end all be all for workers is fucking stupid, and shows a real commitment to hackery and a denial of reality. And I have friends who are safety managers who say that OHSHA enforcement under Trump is...well...lacking. and this matches reporting on the subject As for relating this back to the thread at hand: who do you think disproportionately works in unsafe places for substandard wages without unions?
  9. Spoken like someone who had never paid attention to union negotiations with local government. Unions are well aware of the financial and political situations of their employers! When times are tough, the union can negotiate higher healthcare costs, increased pension contributions, etc by their members instead of job cuts. I've seen it happen! That's what a union can get you.
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