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Everything posted by skillzdadirecta

  1. There was a pretty sizable patch last night... 18 gigs I think. Game has been running pretty well for me playing on the XSX.
  2. This too... CDPR were being deliberately deceptive it seems and it bit them in the ass. Game runs fine on the next gen consoles even in backwards compat mode, but most gamers don't have next gen consoles and those are the ones who got fucked especially since this game was ALWAYS supposed to be a last gen game. I don't know what happened at CDPR but they deserve ALL of the smoke their getting. This has very little to do with cross-gen being a problem and more to do with a dveloper trying to pull some shady shit.
  3. Mass Effect and Mass Effect 2... six playthroughs, one with each class, making different choices everytime. Pretty sure I've seen everything there is to see in those games. Dragon Age Origins... same thing. Played through the game with each origin and I'm pretty sure I've done everything in that game too... just started up ANOTHER character
  4. By this time next year they'll have aired the first seasons of several of their Marvel shows. We'll be getting new content from them fairly regularly I think.
  5. No the first Death star wasn 20 years before the show... maybe like 9. The second Death Star was five years before the show. This IGN article breaks down the timeline and events of the Star Wars saga which center around The Battle of Yavin (The first Death Star)
  6. Well its also gotten colder here... people just aren't out and about like they used to be a few weeks ago. When people stay home, infection slows. Its that simple. Last time I was in California people were OUT. It was shocking to see to be honest.
  7. Weather... and Jersey got hit hard early and saw the immediate consequences of the pandemic. The shit is not theoretical here like it is everywhere else... Cali is at that point now.
  8. When I was last out there in late September I was legit shocked when I went to Santa Monica and saw how many people were out and about at the third street promenade. Combine that Republican Orange county fighting tooth and nail against every Covid measure and this is what you get. A lot of factors into why Cali is doing so bad.
  9. How yound do you think he was? The Empire definitely used child soldiers and I would guess he was in his early to mid twenties... so he could have been in his late teens when he was stationed on the Death Star.
  10. December 2021 tells me that it would start as season 3 of Mandalorian is ending.
  11. They fight ALL of the public requests for bodycam footage. Even instances that would help THEM.
  12. Worked on this story tonight and the full unedited video is even more disturbing than what the news showed.
  13. No way that was fake... and if you listened he wasn't talking about how it affected HIM. He was talking about how people in the industry aren't working, are losing their houses and aren't able to put their kids through school and how that production (which he is exec producing) was leading the way for Hollywood to start producing again. If you listen to the whole thing, he's not talking about how it affects HIM at all... he;s talking about the industry and he's absolutely right. I have so many friends out of work right now its sad. So yeah... its easy to pull the " pampred douchy Hollywood star" card here, but when you think about him being responsible for the livelihoods of a BUNCH of people working on that movie (probably several hundred) and how an outbreak could endanger that and shut the whole thing down due to a couple of people's carelessness... you could understand his anger. I wouldn't have wanted to eb on the receiving end of that all... and I probably would have quit too to be honest But he was right. EDIT: And I've heard he was down to Earth and cool too which makes this outburst even more out of character.
  14. That's what I was talking about with the Ubi games. Even the single player games seem to be always online and that's what was causing Watchdogs to not autosave properly. And the load times are insane... I played a little Skyrim yesterday and the speed at which that game now loads now on the series X is nuts.
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