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Everything posted by skillzdadirecta

  1. Okay... finishing up my second viewing of this. Let me say that I absolutely have LOVED Nolan's movies up until this point and believe that his mastery of the technical aspects of big budget filmmaking more than make up for his short comings as a storyteller and writer. Most of the time these aspects of his directing cover for his deficiencies. Not this time. Tenet is a beautiful, masterfully scored film that collapses under the weight of its own plot and hokey, on the nose dialogue. This is a movie that not only needs to be viewed more than once, it requires it. That is not a compliment. Whether it's to make sense of the plot and the way the various timeline jumps work together or to just hear hard to hear dialogue (which honestly doesn't really help much, I didn't have much problem understanding it watching it at home but I can TOTALLY see how this would have been a problem in the theater.) You NEED to see this movie more than once for it to be coherent and even then it still doesn't really add up. I mean the film works under its own logic but barely and ONLY if you watch it more than once... which isn't ideal for a big budget film. Nolan should seriously consider doing a streaming series or something to fully realize and flesh out these lofty ideas he has. The feature film format forces him to rely far too much on these long exposition dumps that hurt the narrative and forces the characters to speak in unnatural ways and since he doesn't seem to care about dialogue anyway it seems counter productive. It seems like Nolan was intending for this to be series or something, the story definitely seems to end that way... I don't know if that's gonna happen considering how the film performed and now Nolan's feelings about Warner Bros. This film is what me and one of buddies consider to be a "beautiful failure"... something that ultimately doesn't work, but is well constructed enough to put on in the background when you're doing something else. The movie honestly may have worked better if Nolan leaned into it being a full on Bond send up. That said it looks good and has an AMAZING score.
  2. The more I play the more the annoying little bugs get in the way of the experience. I had a bug that kept me from progressing for a couple of days until I realized that the next stage of a mission that I thought I finished, hadn't triggered and I couldn't progress or save until reloaded an earlier save and played from there Since then I've had stupid shit like inventory U.I. elements staying on screen until I reload the game or characters just stop fighting all together. I had a boss battle where a boss just stopped fighting mid fight and just stood there and let me shoot him until he died It's clear to me now that CDPR bit off more than they could chew with this game, poured more time and resources into the PC version and the consoles where an after thought Next gen consoles run the game better because of the power differential but the game seems barely functional on last gen base consoles. I dunno... they've quickly gone from one of my favorite devs to meh. It's a shame too because there's a legit good game here. But out of all the buggy releases this year, this game seems to be the most egregious example.
  3. The lighting on the Deepfake looks off and makes his face look more artificial to me and not as natural.
  4. I think you guys vastly underestimate how much revenue some of these I.P.'s generate. Disney got both Marvel and Lucasfilm for 4 Billion apiece which seems like a bargan now. The Bond film Franchise by itself has generated over a billion from box office receipts ALONE. That's not counting merchandising, books, toys, comics, video games and other ancilliary product. And that's just ONE of the franchises they are selling.
  5. What platform is everyone playing on and how is the game performing? I'm playing on the series X and while its running ok for the most part especially after the update, I'm still getting annoying little bugs. One of my friends on Facebook just finished the game on PS5 and said that it was crashing every hour on him and even crashed during the closing credits
  6. Robert Rodriguez eh? He directed the Tython episode I believe. I don't think we'll see much of Grogu next season if at all from a narrative standpoint. At least no on THIS show. By this time next year, Disney+ should have so much content that they won't need to rely so much on this one show... starting in January, we'll effectively be getting a new series every couple of months for the rest of the year, not to mention whatever they decide to do with the films they have on the shelf. The Mandalorean has done its job as a show as the tentpole of the service. I don't expect we'll see Grogu until late in the season, the following season OR in the rumored Luke Skywalker series that's supposedly in development according to rumors.
  7. I know I played and beat both RE5 and RE6 on gamefly rentals but I swear I can't remember shit about either one of those games... I know one of them had Chris punching a boulder for some reason.
  8. I've had Apple + for free since it came out and they extended my free year to February for some reason. The Morning Show was one of the best things I watched last year. Servant wasn't bad either. Amazing Stories was a disappointment though. There's a couple of other shows on there I want to check out at some point. They've definitely invested in some pretty great shows.
  9. Pretty much how I felt after I beat it last night... such a pointless and tedious boss battle that takes away from the game and just sours the overall experience. Great job Capcom
  10. Ok I'm starting Rebels immediately... too many people are telling me I should watch this show.
  11. I posted part 1 awhile back but here's part 2 of the Cyberpunk doc on youtube explaining the origins of the genre. here's part one These are great watches... very well done projects.
  12. They're just comfortable saying the quiet part out loud now... this is where they've BEEN for at least the last 50 years.
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