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Everything posted by atom631

  1. Http://www.reddit.com/r/modernwarfare go have a gander. The reddit community is ripping it to pieces.
  2. Damn, the M1 Garand is terrible. They ruined the most iconic weapon in WW2. It’s so slow handling, firing and has a tiny magazine. And it takes almost an entire clip to kill an enemy unless you hit a headshot. This gun will never be viable as an aggressive rifle. What a shame.
  3. so Skill-based MM is a thing too in this game. that further explains going on a 2-3 game spree of doing well then completely getting annihilated the next 2-3 matches.
  4. yup. patch dropped on tuesday. the changed up the UI too, much easier to navigate. i didnt get a chance to try the new guns bc im in the middle of getting the mastery assignments for the tommy gun.
  5. They released a bunch of maps since launch and they have mostly be just not good. But the latest map, operation UG is good. the pacific chapter drops tomorrow. 2 new maps, US and Japanese factions. New guns and vehicles. It’s a huge content drop. so far my 2 fav streamers - stodeh and broken machine seem to really like them
  6. I really wanted to love ground war but I hate it. The sound is obnoxious. They tried to outdo BF and they over did it. And it’s a complete reversal from all the other modes where you’re literally listening for footsteps and it’s pretty quiet. im finding TDM, Domination and HQ to be fun with crossplay off.
  7. Are you comparing previous hardcore modes to the regular mode of MW:2K19? If so, then that’s a problem, no? anyway - from what I read a lot game testers are saying it’s a lot to do with the netcode. BFV had that issue for a while and it seems they may have sorted it out. At least to me it seems better.
  8. Holy shit those spec ops missions are hard. I’ve got 3 failed attempts so far.
  9. just wrapped up the campaign. its lazer-focused and only has a few gimmicky sections. theres no hunting for intel or anything (as far as i can tell). I really enjoyed it although its very short. I wanna say I completed it in 5ish hours on hardened difficulty. ill definitely be checking out spec-ops.
  10. So the modern warefare subreddit is ablaze with complaints as well. This is something I didnt know but is absolutely insane! - when your character is yelling "contact" or "throwing smoke" or "enemies in the courtyard" ....... the enemies can FUCKING HEAR IT!!!!! you are giving away your own position! that explains so much. how did this get past play testing? I didnt realize it...but in the killcam you can actually hear it happening. another thing is crouching does not silence or quiet your footsteps. its just as loud as running/sprinting. the dead silence perk doesnt actually silence anything - it just muffles it. ive found this perk helps, but ive also gotten merked by someone waiting for me. So not only do you have an insane amount of corner/window camping... you literally have people audio-camping as well. what a mess. They need to fix the TTK - make it almost double. Get rid of these callouts or make it so only you or your team can hear (and only teammates within proximity). Fix the footsteps so they are quieter overall and more spatial. its almost impossible to tell if they are above/below etc. Tier the footsteps noise level: Spring > Running > Walking > Crouching Fix dead silence Nerf the M4 and MP5 - everyone is using these guns bc they are so good IMO - with the way the minimap/spotting is and the incessant amount of corner camping - they need to increase the amount of non lethal frags (smoke, stun). if i need to breach and clear multiple buildings, i should have more than 1 or 2. Last night, I decided to try a few matches again, but disabled crossplay....and the amount of corner/window camping reduced a lot. I was also able to win a few more firefights when it was a situation where we spotted each other at the exact same time. Crossplay is a great feature, but in PVP games like this, there should be an option for console players to chose only crossplay with other consoles. Im actually going to leave it off if I continue to play the MP since my enjoyment level went up a decent amount when it was more of a fair match.
  11. I can’t. I wish I could but I don’t play a ton of different PVP games. Just BF really and I played destiny for a bit. I just need some fast-paced action. This isn’t it sadly.
  12. This is actually spot on. I really hoping this would out-battlefield, battlefield. But it doesn’t. i just want a good BF again. Plz Dice.
  13. so ground war released last night. And it’s just a terrible take on BF. In a complete reverse of the other modes, you can’t even hear footsteps at all. This mode is literally people camping in doorways and rooftop or prone in shadows and just waiting for someone to run by. there is zero way to play aggressive in this game with the TTK as fast as it is and the camping. and I can’t figure out the sniping at all. I know there is bullet drop, but it doesn’t make sense bc I have several people dead to rights with a headshot and it didn’t even register as a body shot. Then I get insta killed by the dude using an M4 and iron sights from over 150m seriously this is trash. I’m happy to hear the campaign is decent. I’ll play through that and be done with this.
  14. So the large scale BF-ish mode isn’t available yet? I can’t find it anywhere and bought it just to play that mode. I did play a bunch of games via quick play. I just don’t understand the love for this MP. I think I play every COD and say the same thing, but I still do it. It’s so campy. It literally comes down to who saw who first bc the guns all have good range and very low recoil. And the absolutely ridiculous TTK makes it just a quick tap and it’s over. Doesn’t even really give the other player a chance to react. IMO it completely lowers the skill ceiling bc there are no gunfights. Because of that, the games devolve into people camping in a corner listening for footsteps. Then add the gimmicky kill streak perks and now you’re getting spotted or killed by things you can even really deal with. Little maps, no descruction, no vehicles. I dunno. I’ll take Buggy as fuck BFV over this anyway. however, it is beautiful and the Progression and gun upgrade/mod mechanic alone will keep me playing. They did nail that. Overall though, my biggest takeaway is that I hope DICE learns from this and goes back to a modern setting a la BF4. Or just give me a remastered BF4 and I’ll be happy. I plan to fire up the campaign over the weekend.
  15. this is currently the best deal - 24mo of XBL for $95. then covert to Ulitmate for $1. So you get 24mo of Ultimate for roughly $100. Only catch is if you converted to Ultimate already, this wont work.
  16. ill be at monday night raw on 11/4. my first WWE event ever. im not really a fan by my son loves it, so im excited.
  17. i was never a huge fan of COD MP. always found it boring. I much prefer Battlefield, which is why that new mode has my interest.
  18. never a good sign...but it could be due to the controversy of the campaign. they probably dont want the negative press and pre-order cancellations
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