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Everything posted by finaljedi

  1. I guess after Ben Carson survived the whole “dining set that costs more than a car” scandal he’s kept his head down and will probably leave when Trump goes. Miller manages to be in Trump’s inner circle but also not step in the shit that sits in the middle, he just focuses on one thing and that’s making the lives of brown people as awful as he possible can.
  2. Price out building it yourself vs buying one prebuilt. It's not hard, the motherboard manual will tell you what to do for the most part and there are plenty of good youtube videos not made by The Verge on how to build a PC. If you live near a MicroCenter then you can get a good price on processor/motherboard combos. I'd do 16GB of RAM and I've been partial to the AMD Ryzen processors lately.
  3. It's totally normal to leave your position all of the sudden with no warning when a separation is cordial.
  4. The biggest issue with all of this is there’s nothing catchy enough to name this that will replace the irritating “gate” suffix that every scandal has gotten for 40 years.
  5. If there was a game that was like "pick the the stupid thing President Trump didn't say" out of like 3 choices it would be hard to guess correctly. I don't know if this story is true, and that's not something you could say about any other President.
  6. I've always wondered about his approval ratings. He has that rock solid 35% or so base, and his approval among Republicans usually hangs in the 90s. Are republicans that small of a party by numbers compared to democrats?
  7. Electric cars are pretty impractical right now for anyone who doesn’t own a garage. Charging will have to be built out a hell of a lot more.
  8. Big Ben NEEDS to know. Is it a mushroom head, does it curve to the side? These are the pressing questions that Shapiro needs answers on.
  9. It’s a weird feeling when he does the right thing for the shittiest reasons
  10. What the fuck is a slow cook impeachment? Nevermind, this is from the same brain trust that said they didn't have to impeach because Trump is self impeaching.
  11. I haven’t installed any of the freebies, the off brand ones I picked up from Home Depot have been troopers though.
  12. The electric company sent me a box of like 6 LED bulbs free a few months ago. I already converted to all LED when I moved in here 4 years ago and only one went out since then so I probably have enough spare bulbs to last a decade.
  13. Stephen Miller needed to get the daddy juices flowing again, there are darker people who can be forced to stay in a wrecked country.
  14. The DCCC is probably in the process of typing the angriest email you’ll ever read asking for money so that Democrats can protect the NWS to send to everyone who has ever donated to a congressional campaign.
  15. The statement saying that Alabama wasn't going to be hit was just the NWS being responsible, because hurricane forecasts can be life and death along with costing every level of government billions. This latest one was put out to make their sensitive boss happy.
  16. Epic has made me stop crowdfunding games, I’ll just wait for this one when it hits Steam/gog.
  17. The problem with masturbating to weird shit is that you fall down a slope of needing weirder shit. Stephen Miller started with just beefed up border patrol and deportations, then he moved on to kids in cages, now this is what he needs to get off.
  18. It’s a good thing he’s wanting to move money from FEMA to the totally necessary border wall.
  19. It is much more fair that about 3 or 4 Midwest (and Florida) swing states pick the election instead. In fact thanks to electoral math and fairness my vote in Ohio counts in a meaningful way and a person's vote in Texas, New York, California, Alabama and many other states have absolutely 0 impact on a Presidential election. That's what you call fairness, not one person one vote.
  20. The poem was written to raise money for the pedestal and 20 years later it was attached to it on the inside. It’s not policy but it was put up to sort of go with the spirit of being a country of immigrants and the fact that the statue is one of the first things they’d see on the trip across the Atlantic.
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