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Everything posted by finaljedi

  1. I may be optimistic but I feel like the Republicans are using Trump for the judicial appointments and whatnot and will have no trouble dumping him and his brood in the trash once they're out of the White House.
  2. Apparently Rand doesn't plan on backing down. I feel like punishing whistleblowers that go through proper channels is a bad move.
  3. The Fox News thing after Glenn Beck and his dumbass chalkboards. I've always thought it must be a bummer to be a real journalist at Fox and share airtime with these people.
  4. I feel like Funcom kept going all in on MMOs that didn’t do so well.
  5. Why even say she thought Ukraine was in Asia, he would sell that better saying "Sorry, Belarus/Poland isn't Ukraine". What a bunch of fuckups...
  6. He's a federal judge, he can't issue a warrant for whoever ordered the deportation?
  7. Wonder if Kushner is getting nervous about this news or if he's as dense as his father in law and wife.
  8. Except he'll probably get at least one more supreme court justice and who knows how many appointments to the federal bench. Break more precedents and engage in more open grift after he makes it out of impeachment alive. Second term Trump is unshackled because he won't need to go for re-election and will have made it through a special counsel and an impeachment.
  9. Starship Troopers have shown me that there are times you probably need to call up reserve forces to deal with issues in space.
  10. It is fun that MAGA has kind of taken an axe to all of the stuff after world war 2 that has built America as pretty much the world leader.
  11. I was looking forward to getting this soon, but then again I can maybe get on the ray tracing bandwagon before this, or even play Death Stranding at some point.
  12. I feel like every Fox News interview he does, the interviewer gives him an escape ladder to get out of some idiotic/illegal thing he just said, and he's too much of a moron to take it.
  13. He once filibustered a vote on a bill he called for, he's an incredibly powerful hack answerable to no one.
  14. With this administration I think it’s an issue of bandwidth. He does something awful or crooked every week and the democrats suck at holding people accountable on a good day and McConnell has no interest at all in doing anything about Trump.
  15. I would give a shit about the pro-life movement if they gave a shit about that life after it was born. I never see any of them who advocate increasing the social safety net for people who can't afford to have children.
  16. He really wasn't, on election day more people voted for Hillary Clinton, he was elected and is the President. But his election doesn't represent the will of the majority of the people who voted. It is a little disturbing that something like 35% or so think he's just the best, but the majority of Americans have never been pro Trump.
  17. I'm not even sure there's a "we" about it. The American people didn't elect Trump, he has maintained minority support in the years since his election and he's been enabled by a Senate that doesn't represent the majority of Americans
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