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Everything posted by finaljedi

  1. Shit like this means that his detail should probably be completely swapped. They can't do their job if Biden can't trust them
  2. His obsession with Twitter's underlying infrastructure is weird. He doesn't seem to get that the "software and the servers" aren't twitter's product. His fractal of "rube goldberg machines" comment is kind of one of those outsider layman takes on being told about the web of system dependencies that make up practically any commercial IT setup in any medium to large organization. He's this rich airhead who's decided to roll up his sleeves and get in the trenches with the engineers despite not really knowing anything about what they do.
  3. I feel like this is shades of Digg at the end. When they rolled out new features and everyone left for Reddit while they were saying everything was fine and it was a minority of loud users complaining.
  4. I'm pretty sure that violates Apple's rules regarding the app tracking request app makers have to ask consent for.
  5. That the entrances have a lot of glass and sliding doors? The hospital nearest to me looks like this They look how they look.
  6. It takes a lot of balls to literally dump a patient on the county run hospital's doorstep. Usually corporations get a little antsy about flagrant violations of law and huge adverse PR, but I assume some floor manager at that hospital was just a sociopath who wanted to free up beds for paying customers.
  7. Allow paralyzed people to control computers or phones with their brain. It's more Elon Musk wanting to do a scifi thing to plug brains into computers and misunderstanding dystopias.
  8. We're America, we have ways already in place. Rendition them to Egypt for enhanced interrogation and then hold them at a blacksite without trial for years.
  9. He'll succeed where Blackberry, Palm, Microsoft, Amazon, and Nokia all failed
  10. I went to a couple FC Cincinnati games this year and my phone said the sound level was a mostly sustained 92 decibels for most of the game. I wore hearing protection on the advice of people who'd gone before.
  11. Fuck them, they chose to debase themselves to him over and over for the past 6 or 7 years. January 6th gave them the cleanest break at all and none of them took it, they can wear Trump around their necks for the rest of their lives.
  12. I'm onboard with Bryan Fuller for everything he's done so far but the subject of this show doesn't really hook me so I'm torn.
  13. He may lose, but he'll try his best to poison the well for the Republicans. He spent 3 months filing lawsuit after lawsuit and whining to everyone culminating in an attempted coup after a fairly standard and not really close election. If he loses the primary against DeSantis I don't expect him to either accept the results or to stump for DeSantis
  14. Maybe the banks can sell those people their stake. They can run ads on Fox News next to the buy gold and catheter commercials.
  15. So does third party Trump outperform third party Teddy Roosevelt and Ross Perot? Anyhow Trump's cult was there the whole time waiting for someone like Trump. We were lucky in that before these regressive culture warriors didn't have any charismatic to rally around. Most of the tea partiers and selectively evangelical types didn't have anyone to look to for leadership, the ones that emerged before Trump had the magnetism of a dead fish.
  16. Chabot losing would be my silver lining. I've been donating to everyone who has been running against him for years, useless tit with what the Cincinnnati subreddit has described as "old man smell".
  17. So is the Supreme Court complicit in just waiting out the clock on this election?
  18. I don't think his revenue generating acumen is very good in general. Tesla sells cars to upper middle class people as a sort of fashionable status symbol and charges an insane amount for a software patch that turns on autonomy that will never really work. Even with that apparently they aren't profitable without selling carbon credits. SpaceX is propped up by tax dollars and what seems to be 31 rounds of investment funding. So yeah, not terribly surprised he doesn't get how to make Twitter make money while not relying on advertisers who are hesitant to hawk their wares on a "free speech" platform.
  19. And he has a reputation for being very well aware of effort involved and timelines. Self driving being a year or so away in 2016, the Hyperloop being easy, being on Mars by this year...
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