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Everything posted by EternallDarkness

  1. watched the entire thing and I don't think he was wrong once. There was another analysis of the film I saw a while back that seemed spot on as well.
  2. I must have missed them actually saying they were doing a documentary, though I knew from people talking about the show that was the reason.
  3. Just started watching the show as well. Thought it was strange they never explained why the cameras are there...unless I missed it. I've had friends who are fans of the show refer to me as Jim from the office...never knew what they meant and now that I've actually seen a bit of the show I am not sure how I should take it.
  4. agreed, especially the Banner in Hulk CGI. Definitely would watch an Thor/Rocket team up film As for the Starlord screw up it of course it was obvious and was strictly for symmetry, mirroring the earlier scene where Peter was trying to be the voice of reason but Drax wouldn't listen because he was overcome with emotion.
  5. Can't tell much, but at least it looks like a new world, and as long as they aren't on their way to a casino I'm okay with that.
  6. yeah he said after he left the theater, which in my head I was thinking he checked the internet. And I guess I must have mistaken what you were saying, I thought you were saying it was difficult to understand there would be more, but clearly that isn't the case you just said he was easily able to deduce, like most normal people, which was my point. I didn't think it was a difficult thing at all for people to figure out that the story wasn't over.
  7. no clue, I am reading the kindle version but I also think I have a paperback copy somewhere. I know I've had them for a while now, but I couldn't tell you if it's a revised edition or not.
  8. started reading it and I'm only about a quarter of the way, Jonas is just now seeing the Meg, but it's definitely quite different from the movie. I'm enjoying it quite a bit.
  9. yeah but he's saying he's a superfan but he didn't know it was part 1 of 2 until he checked the internet. I would have thought a superfan would have instantly realized and understood there was more coming. I'm not saying he needed to know it would be a part movie, hell it could have been an opening part of a trilogy, but what I am saying is a real fan (hell anyone really) would have understood there was more to come without needing to check the internet. that's my opinion anyway.
  10. okay if that guy considers himself a 'superfan' then he obviously doesn't know the definition of what a superfan is, especially is he think Marvel was ending its movie franchise.
  11. be fair, WB has done such a shit job with their movies that it's pretty much impossible to tell if any of the movies are supposed to be connected or not. Yes, I get that there are plenty of people who don't sit through the credits, those scenes are never essential and are fun little easter eggs/teases for the hardcore fans, and I know the film markers would be more than thrilled if EVERYONE believed that those that had died were in fact gone forever, so everyone would feel the emotional punch they were going for and the thrill of then seeing them all return in the next film, but I do believe that even a casual movie watcher would come to the conclusion that hey there's probably more to the story and another movie coming. Very few movies ever truly 'end' end with the villain winning.
  12. yes, I meant to say wasn't, lol. I still think it's crazy that people would be confused and not think there would be another movie. This is Marvel afterall, they aren't new on the scene, they've been pumping out 2-3 movies a year for 10 years now. I can't wait for the next flick, though the idea of time travel doesn't excite me.
  13. They had to end on Thanos. He was asked what he would do when it was over, when he'd won. Of course you see him sitting there, watching the sunrise and while it was a victory you get the impression (at least I did) that it was a satisfying one.
  14. I know you're being sarcastic, but I'm pretty sure Feige said they already had the next 20 films 'planned'
  15. I just mean Nick was so worried when Loki and the Chitauri attacked in the first Avengers you'd have thought if he had a hotline to Cap. Marvel he'd have used it then. But like I said, I understand they're just trying to shoehorn in the tie-tie to the next movie, but I am sure it's a question that a lot of people will be thinking.
  16. you numbered bother your points as #1 as for Nick and pager, the only issue with that is it leaves you wondering why the #$%@ he didn't use that thing during the first Avenger film. I know they are shoehorning the tie in but still...
  17. Pretty sure you didn't need to be a brain surgeon to realize the story would continue with the next movie. I mean I know the education system ain't wait it used to be, but seriously?
  18. I'm going have to guess that for the majority of people going to see the movie, IW wasn't their first introduction to the Marvel movies.
  19. Valkyrie is still alive. But I agree the Thor/Rocket stuff was great, heck the Thor/Starlord 'are you mocking me' stuff is funny every time.
  20. Gotcha, but I would think having the word revisited in the thread title would let people know there could be spoilers. to revisit something you have to have first visited it before (ie have seen it already)
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