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Everything posted by EternallDarkness

  1. Finished season two of Parks. Still not finding it that funny, though there were a few amusing moments. One this is abundantly clear though, Amy Poehler is not funny.
  2. When it comes to audio books the narrator is as important as the writer, so I will recommend books not by author but by narrator (as I wouldn't recommend a book by a crappy writer) I'd suggest Name of the Wind and A Wise Man's Fear, both narrated by Nick Podehl, but those are fantasy. Nick also narrates a fun series about con artist and his crew that run cons in Vegas. Take Down, Bad Action, Super Con (Billy Cunningham series by James Swain) Luke Daniels is another of my favorite narrators and I can recommend several series he words on. Frontline series by Marko Kloos is a sci-fi series. And can also recommend the Atticus Fish novels by Shaun Morey there are 3 books in the series. Not sure what category I would put them in. I think Amazon lists them as mystery, but I wouldn't call them that, more like humorous adventures, reminded me a bit of Dave Barry or Carl Hiaasen....should also note that at the moment the series is on sale for 99 cents each and then you can add on the audio for only 1.99 so no sense in using a credit when you can get them that cheap. Kate Mulgrew does a great job narrating Nos4A2. Jeff Hays and his team at Soundbooth Theater are freaking fantastic. Jeff gives each and every person their own voice and own distinct speech patterns, he doesn't narrate, he performs. He does a ton of LitRPG novels and I can easily recommend Harmon Cooper's Fantasy Online series, great action and absolutely hilarious. Also recommend Life Reset by Shemer Kuznits, a cool twist on the LitRPG series in that the main character is forced to be a villain. that's just off the top of my head
  3. they are bringing Smokey and the bandit back to the theaters next week! Hope it shows around me.
  4. I know it's not exactly scoring well on RT but wondering if anyone (looking at you @sblfilms )has heard anything about the movie. In the mood for a good horror flick but don't want to waste my time if it's crap.
  5. Well Swanson is definitely the best character so far. 2nd season is definitely better but still not what I'd call funny. I'm currently on the library vs park episode with Ron hooking up with his ex wife
  6. I'd think Disney would attached it to their properties so maybe the Nutcracker flick or even Wreck it Ralph 2
  7. Marvel has always nailed the look/costumes of the characters. I remember being a bit worried that they would make Thor look clownish, especially Loki with his horned helmet but damn if they didn't nail those costumes perfectly.
  8. nope, none zero zip. 3 or 4 episodes into season 2 and while it's a bit better, I'm still not finding it all that funny
  9. trailer shows him handling weapons with both left and right
  10. Finished up the series last night. Pretty good, the ending was quite touching. Next up I started on Park and Rec, watched 3 episodes and I have yet to laugh once. The show is supposed to funny isn't it?
  11. Started reading Boy's Life by Robert McCammon for like the 100th time. Seriously one of the best books ever.
  12. But it's just a rom-com, it's not meant to represent every Asian. Perhaps I'm giving people too much credit, but I'm pretty sure most movie goers aren't going to leave the theater thinking the movie is a true representation of the culture.
  13. her not knowing is kind of the point, and I don't mean that is that she needs to not know who he is for the film to work, but rather what her mother tells her at the start of the film. She's different. She's may be Chinese, but she's not Chinese Chinese, she's American. And since her idea of going East was to head over to the Village or SoHo or whatever, she's have no reason to know who he was. Even when you see the social network in action aside from the girl in the coffee shop all that craziness was taking place in Singapore. As for her playing younger, she wasn't playing all the younger than she really is. After all she was out of college and teaching so mid to late 20s isn't that far off. She's only like 35 or 36. It's not like when Luke Perry and the gang were in their 40s and playing teenagers in Beverly Hill 90210.
  14. If you are referring to The Kingkiller Chronicles then unless you are from the future you do not have book 3 as it's STILL not freaking out or even have a damn release date yet! WTF Patrick?!?! You're slower than George Martin! It's been over 7 years since the release of A Wise Man's Fear. Now if you are referring to The Slow Regard of Silent Things you should probably know going in that it's more of a side story than anything else. It's not about Kvothe, but rather Auri.
  15. It's a pretty good movie (actually have seen it twice), though to call it a rom-com isn't really all that accurate. Yeah, it's marketed that way, but it's not nearly as funny as the trailers would lead you to believe. Good story, great cast.
  16. They'll be showing all the movies in the theaters over the next couple of days. Considering go to see Iron Man tomorrow because it and Incredible Hulk are the only two movies I think I missed in the theaters. And may go see Dr. Strange over the weekend since I never saw that one in 3D and while not a fan of 3D that one with the trippy visuals almost seems to be beg to be seen in 3D. Anyone else planning to catch any of the flicks?
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