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Everything posted by CayceG

  1. No, you're posing a hypothetical asking if it's to where we can go back to normal because things are "over enough" that that can happen. I don't think so. I don't see it that way. I'm choosing to do some things that I did before, but I'm not doing others--just as I have refrained from doing those things during the entire pandemic. It isn't over yet.
  2. I would ask if they left the theater after Frodo and Sam threw The Ring into the fires of Mordor, because at that point, the movie was "over enough."
  3. How soon before the Air National Guard is tasked with seeding clouds?
  4. Pork butt bbq, baby. Put that smoker to work. Make some good-ass bbq. Also, smoked beer can chicken is incredible. You can do just fine without beef.
  5. Michael Harriot is such a good writer, no matter of the medium. Full 10,000 word long pieces, down to tweets. Masterful.
  6. Well, it was fun while it lasted. It's only a matter of time before Republicans steal more and more legitimate elections and use that to rule like the John Birchers they are.
  7. I do not want this to happen, but I would absolutely lose my shit if this happened.
  8. This isn't a bad idea. And the response could well be what SFLU proposed: changing all flight paths to avoid Belarus, and refusing all flights from Belarus.
  9. Also, Chinese virologists dress like David Byrne from Stop Making Sense, apparently.
  10. Looking at this another way... People who lived and worked in Wuhan while the virus was silently spreading wound up getting it about when everyone else started to get it.
  11. Yikes. This is... not good. Clearly this won't happen. So our 2050 goals become our 2080 goals. And 2 degrees C becomes 3 degrees C becomes 4 degrees C.
  12. Reading this was infuriating and just made me feel hopeless. How Parking Drives Up Housing Prices - The Atlantic WWW.THEATLANTIC.COM Parking requirements attack the nature of the city itself, subordinating density to the needs of the car.
  13. I have no love for Hamas, and you're likely right. Which is why we should push to end the embargo on Gaza so that they can procure more accurate munitions in their fight against the Israeli occupiers.
  14. Hamas does not indiscriminately target civilians. Hamas aims for military or dual military/civilian targets. The rockets just aren't that accurate, so they don't always hit. Here's the explanation from Tom Cooper, an author of military histories focusing on the Middle East:
  15. I would say I'm jealous, but I'm not having to watch the Giants and the Pirates right now.
  16. Nashville's health board just dropped a surprise announcement that ALL covid restrictions are being lifted as of tomorrow morning. No masks. No restricted occupancy. Nothing. Pandemic's over. The Mayor's justification is that 300,000 people are vaccinated and that they're moving to match the CDC's guidance. This came hours AFTER they initially released a statement saying they would NOT be lifting the mask mandate, citing the fact that less than half of the city is vaccinated. First statement: Second statement:
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