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Everything posted by CayceG

  1. Because it's incredibly unusual and anyone that's even barely online will record things, put it out in the world, and go "look at this shit. Ain't that wild?"
  2. I'm so sick of Elon and all the shit he's involved in. Also, Starlink fucking sucks.
  3. Remember when he went on Colbert's Late Show to hock his mobile solitaire game?
  4. Donald Trump isn't even in my top 5 deaths. Donald Rumsfeld, on the other hand, absolutely was. Rest in piss, bitch.
  5. Trump has never, nor will he ever go down on anything outside of a taco salad bowl.
  6. I have not ever seen concrete corrosion that bad ever before. And I've looked at tanks in wastewater plants, where a bunch of caustic air really fucks up concrete.
  7. Are we at all surprised that Toyota donated to people that denied certification, given this list of their factories? And I even forgot to highlight San Antonio, Texas. Mississippi? Alabama? Tennessee and Kentucky? Come on. This is an east A to B.
  8. Oh no! I would have to wait 2 hours instead of 40 minutes for a cop to come by my house after it's broken into to take my statement, only to reply with "you won't get your stuff back and we won't catch the guy."
  9. If you don't like it, you can get oot not go there in the first place. Or just don't use hate speech.
  10. Mike Gravel, former US senator for Alaska, dies at 91 APNEWS.COM SEASIDE, Calif. (AP) — Mike Gravel, a former U.S. senator from Alaska who read the Pentagon Papers into the Congressional Record and confronted Barack Obama about nuclear weapons during a later presidential run, has died. He's tossing rocks into that big pond in the sky now.
  11. I can't fucking stand heat and humidity. I've never experienced 110 and humid though. I don't wish that on anyone. The future is looking so bleak...
  12. So I read the structural evaluation report from 2018. The biggest issue was that the parking deck (below ground) was flat, there was inadequate waterproofing, and many of the areas there held water whenever it rained, allowing water to seep into the concrete and crack it. It had been band-aided before, but it wasn't a permanent fix and it really didn't even fix it in the near term. That was what the engineer's report identified as the most significant structural issue that required repair. And they were just getting started on it when the building collapsed.
  13. The Tic Tac video is just people misinterpreting the object in the sensor. It isn't moving fast. That's what experts have weighed in on. The parallax effect is making it seem to move that way before cutting off very quickly. The F-18 is moving quickly but it isn't pointed directly at the Tic Tac. It has a pod on a gimbal that can turn and directly face the target. It also has an indicator that let's you know which way the camera is pointing. As the F-18 closes in, the pod turns farther and farther to the left to point at the object. That means that the plane is getting closer to it, very quickly while still remaining to the right of the object. Once it closes in close enough, the object looks like it's flying quickly off to the left. What's happening is that the plane is close enough that the pod isn't turning to look at it anymore. It's a perspective thing. Watch USS Nimitz ‘Tic Tac’ UFO: Declassified Video Clip | HISTORY Channel WWW.HISTORY.COM Official U.S. government video of a 2004 UFO encounter, taken aboard a Navy fighter jet from the nuclear aircraft carrier USS Nimitz. The pilot described it doing that, but if that's the case, why isn't there any video of it doing that? The easiest answer is that people like Fravor get exclusive 60 Minutes and the New York Times get these interviews from people in the Navy (but not the Air Force, curiously enough) to perpetuate the mYsTeRy behind all of this.
  14. Several of these are literally just people misreading what the sensors are showing. One of the videos in question from recently is a seagull on a FLIR camera on a jet aircraft. The difference in relative speed from the bird and the jet are what make it look so insanely fast. Others are quite possibly UAVs from other countries observing our military exercises (because all of these are seen in the military training areas, which COVER each one of our coasts). It's also partially a snowjob to throw people off from questioning the military about ACTUAL advanced UAVs and other weapons systems and radar reflectors and stuff that WE control. All of this fervor is just complete and utter nonsense. The military WANTS it to be this way.
  15. SOME of it's sexual. Videos of Indian barbers giving smooth haircuts and doing the little head massage? That's peak ASMR content. No sexy.
  16. I need a 45 minute long video of Biden whispering the words "Corn Pop" into one of those weird 3D mics that has ears.
  17. The Anglican church operated these schools too. They shouldn't be all that shrouded from responsibility. But they've done more to acknowledge this failing in the past--moreso than the Catholic church.
  18. Wild shit. Cleanup and repair work begins after Lemoore water tank explosion ABC30.COM The video shows the explosion that separates the metal tank from the ground, sending it shooting into the air and unleashing a massive wave of water. There's video of it too!
  19. ^ it looks like there's another parking deck below that one. It doesn't necessarily have to be a foundational issue to cause that.
  20. Ratios on twitter are essentially, if a tweet has WAY more retweets, quote tweets, or comments than it does likes, it means it has generated discussion. And that likely means the original tweet was bad enough to where all the discussion is stuff like "bro this is insane" or "you should never have tweeted this."
  21. "or [if] someone pulled the supports out of the building" is a really weird thing to say that only breeds conspiracy thinking. Local news should only be for traffic, weather, and live video with no commentary.
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