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Everything posted by CayceG

  1. Yes. There's a video going around of 3 people clinging to the side of a C-17 as it takes off, and then falling to their deaths.
  2. It isn't hard to read a twitter thread either. I get irritated when people at threadreader in reply just because they're lazy
  3. I've generally stopped worrying about these types of gatherings. I, myself, attended the Indycar race a couple weekends ago and there were approximately 100,000 people expected there. But, like the state fair, it was all outdoors. Based on my understanding, outdoor gatherings carry less risk in general (but if people are packed tight, there's a greater risk). That is to say, Wilson County is <50% vaccinated, staunchly conservative and pro-Trump, and generally lax about things. This fair gets statewide attendance. AND all of our hospital ICUs are at capacity.
  4. Arizona isn't the south though. I don't mean geographically, I mean in terms of soil conditions and weather.
  5. As an aside, I know that American agriculture is insanely distributed, but why in god's name are we growing CORN in ARIZONA?
  6. Afghanistan Meant Nothing. A Veteran Reflects on 20 Wasted Years | by Laura Jedeed | Aug, 2021 | Medium LAURAJEDEED.MEDIUM.COM A Veteran Reflects on 20 Wasted Years
  7. It's a fucking incredible movie. Every time I want to rewatch it, I realize how much like the movie the real world is becoming and then I get depressed and don't rewatch it.
  8. lmao I assumed there were more right wing folks in Wagner, but I didn't know there were full on NAZIS. That's hilarious to me!
  9. Pimpin ain't easy. I truly didn't think we'd see a lot of low intensity stuff being done by private military corps. But here we are, I suppose.
  10. Also, I don't think an olympic sprinter poses the same political threat as an exiled activist.
  11. Lots of shit coming through Remarkableriots' facebook feed this morning.
  12. Good lord... I'm all but certain that every eastern European nation is filled with agents from every other eastern European nation. So Belarusian security services going after him in Kyiv shouldn't be a surprise. But still, it's really brazen.
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