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Everything posted by TUFKAK

  1. Congrats! The post ejaculation ache only lasted a few months for me, don’t stress it. I expect as much, nothing but culture was and children have been weaponized in said culture war now. I know this’ll gain traction with the base.
  2. The guy was backing away with a firearm refusing commands after assaulting multiple people with said firearm. Gaining distance helps you get a weapon into the fight before the opposition can react. This context changes it for me, cop dropped his ass subdued him and didn’t go overboard in the subduing. Real altercations aren’t the movies. I’ve been in that exact situation in both the Marines and at work in the ER. He’s covered under force escalation continuum and I’d have done the same thing.
  3. Isolation complication? US finds it's hard to shun Russia | AP News APNEWS.COM WASHINGTON (AP) — The Biden administration likes to say Russia has become isolated internationally because of its invasion of Ukraine . Yet Moscow's top officials have...
  4. Vance nailed me though. I’m a childfree leftist who has sterilized himself. Vasectomies are not pain free everyone but the peace of mind, worth it.
  5. I started at ign when it was n64 then became an active poster in like 02 I think. And now I feel old af. also never permaed there just left, get bent ign.
  6. Right after this I ended up throwing up so hard I vomited blood. Just a small Mallory Weiss tear so nothing to be concerned about but my gods I hate getting old.
  7. Who insults the good name of Ultros?
  8. I picked a really good time to no longer be in an open relationship here in the bay that’s for sure. Treating monkey pox patients in my ER daily now.
  9. Praise the invisible hand. Praise it. if you can’t afford a bill you should just try not being poor! We’re not a country, we’re a corporation.
  10. Considering what she’s endured by his own admission already I doubt it.
  11. That invisible hand is a site to see in action.
  12. In my city that’s called a party.
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