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Everything posted by TUFKAK

  1. As a white guy engaged to a black woman who travels Europe often with her. fuck those racist fucks. Europeans only like people of color if they can play footie. Me and her have had less shit in rural Virginia than in Europe. also nice necro bump.
  2. Only the Leafs could land a generational talent and still screw it up. Hopefully Murray regains his form because if not, Matthews isn’t staying for this hot-mess and I’d not blame him.
  3. This. So much this. All Americans care about now is inflation and gas prices, nobody is following the invasion anymore in my circles. A very left circle as well.
  4. I don’t know man. When I see a guy in the gym with a Tap Out shirt, I know he’s serious.
  5. There’s a few things but the big thing we’re seeing is ever since the pandemic there’s this drive to maximize profits. So we’re overbooking elective surgeries and accepting transfers when we’re already over capacity. The ER is routinely boarding 30-50 admits for 24+hours with dozens in the waiting room waiting 12+ hours to be seen. They’re basically maximizing every bed space to increase value to the point that there’s a rush to admit our boarders before midnight. The reason, if they’re up inpatient before midnight the hospital can bill an impatient day charge for that day. it’s turning highly trained and experienced ERs into acute care floors, sorry @CastlevaniaNut18 but we are not a floor and shouldn’t be worked as such. Its causing so many sentinel events. The most egregious example of this. Gyn performed a uterine biopsy in an ER room without an RN present because no shit, none of us are scrub nurses, they injected formaldehyde instead of lidocaine into her uterus. The woman is crippled now. That never should’ve happened.
  6. Honestly where we are was relatively tame. We locked down before anywhere else nationwide and our population heeded the mandate and distancing guidelines. My gf was in New York during the early pandemic and her stories are terrible. Meanwhile, in SF, we often had an empty ER/more nurses than patients. If I had to guess I’d say it’s the increasing violence, the shifting care delivery model (this is rage inducing), and burnout from staffing levels.
  7. We’re seeing this play out in real time at my facility. In our case it’s not the money, we’re already the highest paid nurses on the planet, the union just secured an 18% raise over three years and we still can’t fill behind our resignations and transfers. Turns out it takes more than money to keep a staff in healthcare; but those of us hanging on are just here for the money now.
  8. There’s what they imagine they are and what they really are. The mental gymnastics to justify it however is quite the thing to observe.
  9. I’ve had some form of this conversation with so many of these failures after they learn my past. I don’t talk about it but if it comes up I’ll say I was in and “I did my part” to the inevitable question. Im then treated to their diatribe of how they almost enlisted but “I’d punch my drill instructor when he yells at me” nonsense.
  10. All this cost of living talk has the San Franciscan in me loling. My rent before buying my house was 3100 for a 1-1/ 700 square feet.
  11. Back when the us had reentry requirements. id go into Covid patient rooms and take my mask off trying to get reinfected so I could bypass the testing requirements. I couldn’t get it; I think I’m immune at this point as I’d give myself a direct exposure without PPE and never tested positive. Short of licking a Covid patients oral secretions I can’t have a greater exposure.
  12. Yep Unfortunately white people excel at exactly two things. Making other people do their dirty work and waging war.
  13. Ted Cruz says Supreme Court was 'clearly wrong' about 2015 same-sex marriage ruling WWW.CNN.COM Sen. Ted Cruz believes the US Supreme Court was "clearly wrong" in its landmark 2015 Obergefell v. Hodges ruling that legalized same-sex marriage, the Texas Republican...
  14. Ask for antibody testing. This is endemic now, we’re all getting it at some point.
  15. Why do Mayo looking guys always swear they’re Leonidas? i also greatly enjoy the imagery they’re using of people fighting to preserve system built on the backs of an entire underclass of humans too. But, context is lost on these chuds.
  16. I had one of the speakers great nieces as a patient the other day; it was as fun as you’d expect.
  17. I relocated twice across the country post military. The first time it was concerning but I managed, second it didn’t phase me at all. It’s not as hard as it’s made out to be; requires some sacrifice but most things do. I’m not relocating again within the US, I’m legit in the only place here I could stomach, and I already have my final relocation set. But I’m forced to agree with sbl here.
  18. Anecdotally that’s the majority of what we’re seeing in that particular pathology as well here in SF. To the point I don’t bother with gowns and airborne iso when I treat them. Yeah other than that life is great, I’m adjusting to the annoyance and no need for cts yet. Randomly it never really presents when I’m at work; it’s a weird presentation. update in the CEB in regards to my life too.
  19. This is why when I’m out near Brentwood I ensure to wear my one size too small pride shirt with my marine corps face mask. Nobody has said anything to me yet… wonder why?
  20. Women is a gender construct, not just women can get pregnant. As was just widely reported, 10 yo girls can get pregnant too. The US deserves to collapse.
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