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Everything posted by CastlevaniaNut18

  1. I played this a bit the other night and it’s pretty fun. Think I’ll do more tonight.
  2. My family is all about the church stuff and I ain't doing that. When I was a kid it just meant my mom made me go shopping for a new dress, I had to get extra dolled up for church, and I couldn't even change right after because we had to drive up to my grandparents and take photos.
  3. I didn't like Easter as a kid, now I can just ignore it. Lamb is delicious, though. Pass on the ham. I wish I had a lesbian aunt.
  4. Surprisingly Boston's starting pitching has looked pretty darn good this season.
  5. Fuck yeah, this is gonna be great. I can’t wait to read Dan Jones cover Henry V.
  6. Well, that was a crushing loss for Boston. Can’t lie, though, seeing Julio get the walk-off, I ain’t even mad. Plus, Seattle has a better chance at making the postseason anyway.
  7. One of my coworkers is going to Boston and catching a game at Fenway. She gonna bring me back a Yoshida shirt, I’ve been wanting one. Also, three more weeks until my Braves v Rangers game! We’re meeting a certain local friend at the game and I’m excited.
  8. My buddy just texted me calling Seattle’s City Connect jerseys “shitty connect” and I’m sitting here in my Julio CC jersey I bought last year. 😂
  9. I hope O’Neil can stay healthy this season because he can really be impactful.
  10. Boston will always be my team, but I still like the Ms and I’ll always love Juuuuuulioooooo!
  11. I’m off tonight and really excited to watch my favorite team and another team I like on opening day. 😁
  12. Watched the first episode. I was a huge Nickelodeon kid during the 90s, looking back on some of this stuff is uncomfortable. Sure it’s only going to get worse as I progress through the rest of the episodes.
  13. My copy should arrive Monday. Looking forward to playing. Sometimes you just want a fun, short, whimsy game.
  14. After a year and a half, I decided to pick up Dying Light 2 again. Playing it in 4K on the game room PC, it's quite pretty. Took me a bit to get back into the controls.
  15. Getting punched by meemaws and papaws at work. I took a fist to the jaw the other morning.
  16. Spider-Man 2 - PS5 - 9/10 Started it last year, but played the majority this year. Was fun. Not GotY or anything, but another really fun entry. Did 100% completion. 2024 games: Super Mario Advance 2: Super Mario World - GBA Fire Emblem Echoes: Shadows of Valentia - 3DS Spider-Man 2 - PS5
  17. I can keep the stories straight since I read very different books at the same time. I just feel like I spread myself too thin and it takes too long to finish one. That said, I completed three the past few days, so I'm just down to The Tudors and Shogun right now. One fiction, one nonfiction, which is pretty ideal for me.
  18. Yeah, you're fine on the gaming boards, you don't really delve into politics, and I don't venture much to this area, but from what I've seen, you're mostly just about silly nonsense. There's really nothing about you that bothers me these days. I genuinely don't have any issue with you.
  19. I might beat Spider-Man 2 tonight. This weekend at the latest.
  20. I don't know why you think that. I'm basically neutral on you. I thought it was pretty clear. Best does need to get over whatever hangup he has over me, though. I don't even talk to him or about him and he's still on this misogynistic kick with me.
  21. I'd love to live there except I don't do well in really cold weather. Maine is my favorite US state.
  22. I don’t recall those, but I lost my shit over the Teenie Beanie Babies in the 90s.
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