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Everything posted by CastlevaniaNut18

  1. Gonna play Shining Force: Final Conflict on GameGear with the husband. We've been meaning to get back to the SF series for a while and it's finally happening. Tried to last night, but ran into some technical difficulties, but I think we've got it fixed now. I'll also play some Days Gone later tonight and maybe get a battle in with Fire Emblem Fates: Revelation.
  2. Started the game tonight, played an hour or so, at least through the first story bit. I like it so far. Haven't encountered any bugs or whatever. I dunno how repetitive and unfun it'll get over the course of 30+ hours, but so far, so good.
  3. Avengers: Endgame 10/10 A couple flaws and questions remain, but holy shit what a worthy payoff to 11 years and 21 movies.
  4. I did, about 2/3 of the way through. I may be a nurse, but I don't punish myself at work by holding my pee for 12 hours. Fuck that shit.
  5. Just finished it. Yup, that pretty much did it for me. Incredibly satisfying with soooo may epic moments. I'm ready to see it again.
  6. Huh, I thought he just meant like matching the top and bottom. Well, damn. Definitely don't match pj's with my husband. He usually just sleeps in a t-shirt and his underwear. I swear, one of these days I'm gonna throw out his raggedy-ass shirts.
  7. I have two sets of Red Sox pajamas, a Cubs set, a Patriots set, and a Spurs set. Just need a Celtics set and I'll be happy. I love my pj's.
  8. Oh, I know. I just disagree with the prior posts that it's some sort of hallmark for "new atheists" or whatever. There's bad apples in every bunch.
  9. I reallllllly don't know how I can elaborate further on my position, but I'll try, though I'll mostly be repeating myself. Again. I'm more ambivalent on the death penalty in theory. I think some people commit crimes so horrific and they'll never be rehabilitated and will always pose a danger to society. In which case, they can remain locked away for the rest of their lives to protect society. But if they die, I'm not going to be bothered by it. There's an argument to be made on what's more cruel, a life in confinement or death, but that's another rabbit hole to go down. In practice, the death penalty primarily affects minorities, the poor, and generally disadvantaged, so it's not really just in our justice system. I also think the system isn't perfect and innocent people have been executed and I'm not okay with that. It's also a really expensive practice, far more than life in prison, so it's impractical on that front, too. And regardless of what crimes people have committed, I'm not comfortable with people being tortured before they die, which can happen in these executions. So in practice, I'm generally opposed to the death penalty. I think there are too many issues with it, so I'd be fine with it going away completely. That doesn't mean I care about white supremacists or baby rapists/killers or whatever other scum of society like that and I'm not bothered they're no longer existing.
  10. I think there are some crimes so horrific and the perpetrators so unremorseful and they can't be rehabilitated. In which case, I'm fine with locking them away from society for the rest of their lives, but if they no longer breathe air, then I'm not gonna get torn up about it. Like I said, I've detailed my thoughts on the death penalty numerous times. Okay, but did you read what I actually wrote?
  11. I thought I made myself fairly clear. And I've detailed my thoughts on the death penalty in numerous threads.
  12. I don't think any religion should be above criticism/ridicule, let alone the fastest growing and second largest in the world. You can criticize it without being a racist or a bigot. We need to stop conflating the two.
  13. I guess I didn't quite interpret it that way. In my view, I don't necessarily have a moral objection to in for certain cases. That scope is very narrow, though. Some people I'm just not concerned if they no longer breathe air on this earth. However, there are numerous problems with implementing the death penalty in a fair and unbiased manner, it's super expensive and we still run into issues where people are executed in a rather inhumane manner. So in practice I generally oppose it. I guess that's how I took Vic's comment. He can feel free to elaborate on his statement, though. I could be wrong. @Mr.Vic20
  14. Well, my copy is already on the way. It doesn't have to do anything new, as long as I have some fun with it. If I hate it, I can't recoup most of my expense since I got it for cheaper. I just want something to grab me and get me back into gaming because I've really dropped off the last several months.
  15. I'd post your icon if I weren't in mobile and had time to figure it out
  16. I know, it's crazy that I think exclusives are games you can only play on one platform.
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