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Everything posted by CastlevaniaNut18

  1. Someone is mad. And Yoshi is great, especially if you have someone to play it with. It's a big game and I was highly anticipating it.
  2. Notice I said "don't have access to OR can't afford." Don't have one near me, but I heard from people who do have them that they're pricier. I live a couple miles from a Whole Foods, but I rarely shop there. Even being a Prime member, it's ridiculously expensive to shop for your basic groceries there. I use it more for specialty items on occasion.
  3. A grocery store. For people on a budget. They have over 1200 locations in the nation. My mom shopped there for some stuff when I was a kid. Not everyone has or can a afford to shop at Whole Foods or Trader Joes.
  4. The Switch is only 2 years old...why worry about Switch 2 now? Nintendo typically does great with their console revisions.
  5. Now switching to a novel, The Tuscan Child by Rhys Bowen.
  6. End of Faith and Letter to a Christian Nation will always be on my shelf. Great books. What say you about this latest development, @Boyle5150?
  7. For real, though, I realize the French people will bear the burden of funding the restoration. I'd figure the majority are good with that, considering it's such an icon and brings a ton of tourism to France, since it's the most visited site in the country. And I don't think most rich people donate to charitable causes out of pure altruism.
  8. He buys video games when he could be donating to causes to eradicate poverty. For shame. Bet he even buys A's stuff, too, contributing to rich people's success when other people are poor.
  9. I fully expect to see johnny in the Avengers thread asking why millions are being spent on a frivolous movie while poverty exists.
  10. Are you just trolling? Poverty is being decreased around the world. Peoples' lives are being improved everywhere. And rich people do donate to these causes. I mean, what am I saying that's not true?
  11. Well, glad the cat lives. Not much of a cat person, but I love animals in general.
  12. I haven't had a haircut since before Christmas, I'm letting my hair grow out a little. I was being cheap and going to Supercuts, but I'm done with that shit, they kinda suck. I have a number for a girl, but I haven't called her yet.
  13. Damn, if true, that's kinda messed up. At least find a good home for the cat.
  14. I'm pretty sure there are rich people who do donate to causes to eradicate poverty. I want historical sites preserved and restored and I also want a reduction in human poverty. Both can be done and are being done. Like I said, it's not a zero sum game.
  15. I'm definitely a dog person(and not just because I'm deathly allergic to cats). But killing one for $25? wtf? What'd I miss?
  16. You sounded unsure, like you were listing all the things to make sure he doesn't get executed. Also, if you've watched the trailers, it's pretty clear he's in at least one big battle.
  17. Considering he'll be fighting in the big battle, Jaime is safe from Dany's wrath. Come on, guys.
  18. lol, Bronn isn't doing shit to Tyrion or Jaime. It's a plot device to get him to Winterfell for the big battle.
  19. As I said in discord, I'd feel equally sad if The Dome of the Rock fell to a similar fate. Fuck the Catholic Church, but it's a tragedy for history and architecture. But yeah, I imagine most Bible Thumpers would cheer if it were a historical Islamic structure.
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