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Everything posted by Bloodporne

  1. These are absolutely the pinnacle of this concept. Love the melancholic mood of the themes as well, a perfect touch. Bloodborne would be second for me as well despite not really liking the concept of even having this after Dark Souls I's world design. Nioh's hot springs are pretty cool too although not really isolated areas.
  2. I completely agree on that much. I meant memes and shit, not go on Twitter and threaten to firebomb his home. I even felt bad for people just kind of mocking him since I assumed that wow, you must be in a pretty shitty spot in life potentially to even consider that Dead Cells move. Never fucking mind, turns out his entire career was plagiarized.
  3. I'll be honest...I felt bad for this dude getting meme'd and attacked on a personal level on Twitter and shit after the initial Dead Cells thing came out. I thought hey you know, he's already getting fired and we have no idea what his last few weeks looked like personally so maybe he just made a stupid ass decision like one can easily make when in a tough spot in life. Several days later: Plagiarized FUCKING RESUME
  4. Lol...I somehow didn't read it that way at first for whatever reason. The level of absurdity is a full-on 11/10.
  5. As in the format and layout is copied from a template or actual job description/tasks etc.? I've never not copied a template in terms of format and layout for my resume.
  6. Almost always, yeah. We both share a love for basically every era of film including silent and so on. The only thing she can't deal with is when I get into some seriously 'what does it all mean............' deals like the French New Wave cinema, Andrei Tarkovsky and what not. One of our favorite date activities is actually going to the movies, usually the little art house places around town.
  7. I mean let's be honest, his critical thinking skills appear to be not that hot, no?
  8. How did it even take this long to get busted? It's almost funny to me in that context. He must've felt like a total pimp doing this shit for seemingly years. *furiously copies shit and changes three words*
  9. It's like they wrote and put together the entire game, which was up until playtested it, suddenly realized the fucking thing is entirely too short and just dropped some bizarre second act in there that then ALSO wasn't enough padding so finally they added silly difficulty variations of old missions. Just...what...and why do I love this game so much? I'm even doing the stupid difficult versions of old missions.
  10. This game is really weird for me. I bought the PS2 version back in the day and everything about it seems so right. It looks gorgeous, it's basically a Zelda game and on and on...yet I would constantly get bored with it and put it down and then force myself to play another small stretch only to feel the same way again. I ended up dropping it maybe halfway through, it somehow just never came together for me and I don't know why.
  11. I actually think gameplay-wise this looks better than the first one but the entire aesthetic still really doesn't do it for me. The damage models to enemies are a cool improvement unless that was in the first one and I somehow don't recall. Biggest difference I noticed was the seeming absence of locked-in arena type areas unless it was just this particular level featuring more openly roaming enemies etc.
  12. Multiplayer-wise I only played that demo and my god, it was comically shitty.
  13. Game Informer Article Looks like footage is hitting at noon ET today for those into the reboot franchise. My guess is that it'll be basically more of the same in a way that the original Doom II was, maybe some minor improvements? What's your prediction?
  14. I really respect the art style and the talent it takes but as a video game, every single thing about this translates to 'generic, barely serviceable gameplay as an afterthought' to me.
  15. This game does so many things that theoretically would totally piss me off in other games with its recycled mission types, lack of real variety in terms of areas and so on and yet it just seems to work here. I have no idea what kind of magic is happening but I just can't put this damn game down. I tried and it sucked me back in twice already. I dropped Hollow Knight just to play MGSV more. The FOB infiltrations are really fun, yeah, and I love stealing people's shit especially if they have a stupid username.
  16. MGSV somehow managed to suck me back in yet again and I'm FOB-infiltrating my balls off. I"m not sure this game will ever allow me to stop playing it.
  17. I've been really focused on music biographies etc. book-wise but even that is too high brow simply because it's something that must actually be read. I have enough stress at work, I can't get myself to read news or anything remotely current haha
  18. I absolutely LOATHE when people interrupt my reading. It's usually some dumb shit too like 'watchu readin'?? Poetry or some shit bro? LOL'. I work in construction as a Project Manager. I'm thoroughly satisfied with the blue-collar-ness of it all as it affords me tons of leeway and perks I wouldn't have at some up-tight corporate gig, but there's certainly a suburban streak of 'book/vacation/not hating wife = snooty intellectual you think you're better than me?' there that can get on my nerves. The upside is that it being construction, I get to basically tell them to fuck off if they step out of line with it since we dont really have an HR department anyway.
  19. Half these fuckers have needled me about 'being weird' for a decade now. 'Being weird' meaning I'm not massively overweight, bald, hate my wife and own a house and three vehicles I absolutely can't afford and bitch about all of it ad nauseam. I also bring books to work and read during my lunch breaks which is the equivalent of having three heads. Also, I go on...vacations...with my paid vacation time. What a fucking snob.
  20. Resi Revelations 2 for a few hours tonight probably.
  21. My mother's best friend's daughter, who was probably like 6 years older than me at the time, had an NES with Mario on a tiny TV in front of a giant black-painted wall with a white AC/DC logo on it. All my future guilty pleasures in a nutshell.
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