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Everything posted by ARZ

  1. Fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice... Let's hope Bungie FINALLY learned their lesson and don't jump from one bed to the next.
  2. “While we aren’t discussing the exact amount of areas, a good bit of context for the approach is to think of what we did in Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II, with potentially more ground to cover and explore in each area,” Nice!
  3. Jurrassic Park the Game by telltale, the QTE adventure game? or Jurrassic World: Evolution, the Frontier game where you build and manage a dino park? Both are great for what they do, but JWE is FANTASTIC!!
  4. I've enjoyed it, as have millions of others. Sorry you don't feel the same way.
  5. May change 1 or 2 or the order as we go, but here it is: 1.) Jurassic World: Evolution 2.) Spider-Man 3.) Red Dead Redemption 2 4.) Forza Horizon 4 5.) Shadow of the Tomb Raider 6.) State of Decay 2 7.) Shaq Fu: A Legend Reborn 8.) God of War 9.) Kingdom Come: Deliverance 10.) Assassin's Creed: Odyssey
  6. So is this the game Molyneux promised about 20 years ago? About time someone finished it, lol I really wanted that game
  7. there's some pretty damn good prices there
  8. I tell you what....I had a dream. In that dream, I played a game that was born from The Division, Mass Effect and Destiny. That game....it was glorious. Jumping, sprinting, flying, shooting, dying. And not bad on the eyes. Glorious.
  9. A game I recently played that i've been excited to try was super dreamy...I got lost in it's goodness for many hours
  10. Dude...it was $5 for the full include everything edition. I know you've spent far more than that on games you haven't played in years :P
  11. I hear the music and thought ME....was SO hoping it was the body of Shepard and they were going to reconstitute him for a proper sequel.
  12. This was my thought...but couldn't remember their name. Was going to post "Those devs that did Killzone"
  13. Was on the fence with Strange Brigade forever....happy I waited, and excited to try it out
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