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Everything posted by ARZ

  1. Game rocks! Legendary drop in a legendary contract 3 days straight, and legendary drop in stronghold the last 2 days. GM2 for the win! Finally maxed out my Ranger!
  2. LOL - good players like him? You mean the dead guy watching his squad play? Such a humble fellow.
  3. Went male. Curious how/if any story pieces are very different because of that. Didn't consider that before.
  4. Same, got it at Christmas sale...but been trying to finish Spider-Man before I start my next big adventure, lol
  5. And some of the conversation choices are pretty damn difficult to decide. There've been a number of instances where I'm not sure what to do....the most recent that come to mind are the old artist lady and the spy with the spy husband.
  6. Wish I could figure out how it glitched....but ran this mission with 3 friends and NONE of the bugs spawned. We sat up on the platform being zapped by the electric orbs, but no bus spawned in the entire section. Then we moved on to the next room, lol. Was fantastic!
  7. I don't get it...then what's the point of a "Gold Version" that has the Season 1 pass for an extra $50 bucks if all it does it give you 3 days early access to all the DLC? Sound pretty stupid if you ask me. I'm with @skillzdadirecta, vanilla version for me
  8. Maybe Star Wars? Has there ever been a Star Wars game that sold under 1million units?
  9. Grand Theft Auto. Has there been any game in that series with less than a 9 overall rating?
  10. Right, can't you craft gear/guns to your highest level gear/gun type owned? Or something along those lines.
  11. Play main story missions on your own in private, unless you're on the same missions....and play side missions and Strongholds as a team.
  12. Same here, GT: ARZ Will be playing the every waking minute!
  13. Wow....Lost Planet. I stopped playing that SO long ago, lol
  14. Thought Reggie would be there forever...will be weird with someone else in that spot.
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