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Everything posted by thewhyteboar

  1. Get rid of guns. Anyone suggesting any other "solution" is disingenuous and shows that the person doesn't care about gun deaths.
  2. He’s first ballot in the Character Actor Hall of Fame, that’s for sure. Loved that guy. He was incredibly funny, and I loved all his interactions with Larry in Curb Your Enthusiasm.
  3. Frustrating series. If Julio isn't hitting, the rest of the team isn't consistent enough to make up the difference.
  4. I love this show, but I'll wait a few episodes until I start the newest season. Wanna binge a little.
  5. Couer d'Alene in particular has a history of Neo Nazis and the KKK. The verdict that doomed the Aryan Nations | Coeur d'Alene Press CDAPRESS.COM Trial was key to fight to racial inequality This is one incident in particular that I was thinking about. I saw the lawyer give a talk when I was is in high school.
  6. Seriously what is the damn point of the police??? They eat up city budgets and don’t do a damn thing. The only thing they do is provide sinecures for brain dead bullies and suck ups.
  7. I forgot to put sunblock on my feet when I went on vacation 2 weeks ago. Rocking some nice tan lines from my sandals.
  8. 17-0, and Geno doesn't get an extension because he transcends the mortal plane and enters the godhead.
  9. 4-13 this year and draft a badass QB next year. I'm cool with it.
  10. I’m shamelessly stealing this from a Defector comment that made me laugh my ass off, but he has the face of a man who knows exactly when all of his daughter’s friends turn 18.
  11. I forgot that person even existed. I will go back to pretending they don’t.
  12. What a disgrace that organization is. Jack Del Rio is so goddamned stupid.
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