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Everything posted by thewhyteboar

  1. Good deal. Now go get 6 new bats for next year.
  2. One of the most epic examples of Couging in it in the history of Couging it.
  3. I’d be curious where each state would rank. Mississippi seems to be on par with North Korea these days.
  4. More like Operation Lunch Box, amirite? And the dude on the left has the worst fitting jacket this side of Donald Trump.
  5. I'm in. You had me at Vince Gilligan, you had me at Rhea Seahorn. Don't care what it's about, I'm in.
  6. You have to be a lunatic MAGAt to win a Republican primary, which fortunately hurts in the general.
  7. The Mariners just do not stop torturing me.
  8. The price of gas should be based on the kind of car you own. If you bought a giant dumbass truck for your daily errand through the Starbucks drive thru, gas should be a billion dollars a gallon. Bought a car that actually makes sense? Gas is free plus you are allowed to kick truck-owner in the shins.
  9. 49ers $800 1. 49ers TD 2. 49ers 3. Broncos 4. Wilson 5. Seahawks, Packers, Giants 6. 1 7. Colts 8. Jefferson, Chubb
  10. This goes out to all my El Camino fans out there:
  11. The media wants to pretend that the difference between Republicans and Democrats is just like one side preferring a different tax rate or something. But how do you even begin to approach people who believe this: We saw that with that one creep who invaded the DeSantis thread the other day, these are wackos who exist in another reality, a land of heroes and demons and monsters and conspiracies. You need a fucking wiki just to keep track of all the nonsense.
  12. I’ve never gotten the appeal of watching others playing games. I just don’t get it.
  13. All these guys who cosplay as militia and advocate for revolution look like they would pass out if asked to run a quarter mile.
  14. It's going to get worse than we can imagine. There is no floor with these goblins.
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