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Everything posted by thewhyteboar

  1. Since we refuse to do anything about the gun problem, why not use the empty and vacuous tool to create empty and vacuous statements?
  2. Carter is one of the few American public figures who showed us what it is to live a selfless, caring life dedicated to helping others. America and the world would be better off with more people like him.
  3. Pro-gun is such a misnomer. There are anti-gun people who actually care about human life, and then there are the pro-death folk who care more about their hobby than they do actual human lives.
  4. Pretending that MSNBC or CNN are anywhere close to the level of Fox is just flat out stupid. CNN would love to have Trump be president again, they only care about ratings. And no one outside of Boomer liberal grandparents watches MSNBC.
  5. If Ron somehow wins the primary all you have to do is talk about how much of a pervert he is and how he wants to know when your daughter menstruates. Fuck that creep.
  6. Thought this would be about Ted Cruz shedding his skin to assume his new gelatinous shape.
  7. I think the pitch clock rules are going to be incredible once we all get used to it. I think it will also help bring fans back into the game.
  8. Ooof. Rough finish for me haha. Thanks @Slug
  9. Glad you liked it! It was quite the thing when it aired here; everyone was watching and excited for the finale. Son Dam-bi is awesome.
  10. I have, it's good but I still prefer Circe. To Kill a Mockingbird is so good, and absolutely holds up.
  11. Circe is one of the best books I’ve read in the past 10 years.
  12. I can’t find it now but someone twitted a pic that showed it was a pretty blatant hold. He grabbed a fistful of that jersey.
  13. Mahomes is insane. That’s scramble was gutsy as hell. The penalty sucks but Mahomes is incredible. I really don’t like Travis Kelce. Annoying as shit.
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