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Everything posted by thewhyteboar

  1. The Venn diagram of those who subscribe to Twitter Blue and those who lost all their savings to crypto scams is perfect circle.
  2. If Republicans decide that they want to get rid of the sex pests, there will be no one left in the party.
  3. There’s never been a player as cringe and annoying as him.
  4. Nail it to the door of the Capitol. Better year, nail it McCarthy’s forehead.
  5. Utah wanted to have plural flags but the US government said they could only have one.
  6. The dumb fuck said on his twitter that the Cybertrucks side mirrors would be removable…which seems less than legal.
  7. Considering he hasn't sent pics of his dick to reporters or stolen money from poor people, it's safe to say he hasn't surpassed Brett Favre.
  8. Arizona is an affront to all that is good and holy in this world and should be abolished. Start with the abomination that is the Cardinals.
  9. So the Broncos will have no cap and no picks for the next billion years, in a division with Pat Mahomes. Enjoy that Sean.
  10. Isn't Trump's MO to sue and then drop it before it gets to discovery? His act is done, and only Republicans can't see that. And DeSantis doesn't have the juice.
  11. Shit like this is why Trump will win the nomination but lose the presidential race. Republicans eat that shit up, but that list of names to non-crazy people? It's a deranged word salad from a madman in the middle of his last few greasy braincells slipping away. It's the same kind of conspiracy bullshit that every Republican voter craves, but goes over with a thud to normal folk. So keep driving that crazy wagon Trump. It's not gonna result in a W.
  12. That’s why I decided to read it haha. I went on a little southern gothic kick for a bit.
  13. I read that one last year. It was fine. Didn’t grab me that much.
  14. If I wanted to be petty I’d quote what you wrote about the Seahawks during the wildcard game. But I won’t. Cause I’m not petty.
  15. Mahomes is the only one I’d take over Burrow, and it isn’t close. Not a knock on Burrow, Mahomes is just that good. I’d take Burrow over Allen is well. Allen is a playmaker but a turnover machine as well.
  16. I support hiring talent away from San Francisco.
  17. Wilkes did an incredible job with that turd of a team and deserved the job, but, that's not how the NFL works.
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