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Everything posted by BloodyHell

  1. Is it the Bitmap book? I got that and their complete guide to JRPG's, and they are incredible.
  2. Won't be much of a war. Canadian government will complain, American government will say "haha fuck you", and that will be the end of it. Canada will try to take their 3%, so companies will raise their prices 5% or more on goods crossing the border, or threaten just not to do business in Canada.
  3. Its not my first halo, I love the series. The chances of me falling off a 10 hour game like halo is nect to nothing. I still can't believe they launched without Forge and Coop.
  4. Ive heard that. Don't get me wrong, I enjoyed halo 5 (outside of the story), it just felt like it was trying to be something other than Halo. Still looks good for a 7 year old game, though. I plan on playing 1-3 in the near enough future. I never bothered with the MCC collection, as I've played hundreds of hours of each of those games when they were new. I just completely fell off of xbox when the ps4/One released, to the point I had to start a new xbox account because I don't think the email from my previous account exists anymore. In my year and half of owning a Series X, ive accumulated a gamer score of about 800 points. So yeah, my xbox has been neglected because ilI only use it for exclusives. 80% of my gameplay is ps5, 15% is pc/Steamdeck/switch. That was a bunch of rambling to say I need to catch up on a ton of great xbox games, like Gears 5 and Tactics.
  5. Halo 5 Campaign- Completed Starting Infinite today sometime. I certainly didn't do any completionist stuff, just beat the main campaign. Loved the combat, movement, gameplay was good, but felt strange for Halo. Story was an abomination compared to the much simpler Bungie Trilogy. Overall, it's just good.
  6. I agree, but personally im always on the side of hold off until it's done.
  7. Oh, the gameplay absolutely holds up. Halo Infinite feels great, it feels like halo, it's just very content light. It's a game that honestly should have been released this fall. People would have been upset last year, but a content complete halo in time for x-mas 2022 would have been excellent. Instead it was completely forgotten.
  8. Yeah, I mean, im not upset anyone likes it, its just one of the few games where I really couldn't find something in it I cared about. It just never felt fun at any point in my 12 or so hours with it. Last time I remember being that disappointed by a new game was Lord of the Rings on SNES. Wow, that was some wasted money. I still have it, it's a reminder of what pain and sadness feels like. 💔
  9. Yeah, I mean maybe im just missing something, but I've tried to push through, and I just never enjoyed a minute of it. Im happy for those who enjoyed it, but man, MGS it was not.
  10. Halo Infinite Campaign. XBC3 Multiversus (I'm enjoying this more than I expected, its not quite as good as smash, but it's online is so much better that it's basically a wash (gameplay wise, obviously smash has a huge roster). And the more I play, the more I see how accessible this game is compared to other fighting games, where I just can't consistently pull off combos and the like, and I end up frustrated and angry. This game is simple, but with a high ceiling. I'm impressed.
  11. God I hate that game. Ive tried to get into it multiple times, and im convinced people like it because they like Kojima.
  12. Yup. Everything before the first fight with the Regalla and her warriors is really, really slow. After that the game gets really good. The games major problem is that there is too much clutter. Of all those tasks, 80% aren't worth doing. Everything outside of the main story and the "trophy quests" (all the quests for Aloy's allies) is pretty much pointless grinding. But the main quest and trophy quests are incredible. And the last few hours of that game are exceptional, up to the extremely cliche ending. Like seriously, But, its a great game that really built on the first in great ways.
  13. This. I had a lot of fun with GotG, but burn that shit to the ground if it is what would prevent us from getting more Deus Ex.
  14. So, I beat Radiant Historia this morning. I was at the end already, but I got that cleared up. @Brick
  15. The best game of 2021. I can't believe @best3444hasn't played this yet. So much wasted time playing games that aren't this, and I can't imagine why
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