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Everything posted by BloodyHell

  1. It is absolutely the best traversal mechanic in a game, ever. No superpower, vehicle, or any other movement has felt that good, except maybe Tribes, but that was extremely niche.
  2. I mean, they absolutely recovered. Gamepass is growing like crazy, and they bought two of the most important publishers in gaming. They definitely had problems this year with delays, but Microsoft has an absolutely incredible pipeline. They are getting all of the press love now, which was unheard of two years ago. I honestly think people are too bullish on Sony's future. PS Premium has nothing on GP, imo. I have them both. Day and date first party is incredible, and I think people are underestimating how big 23 will be for MS.
  3. Play it on ps5. The new character model is way better anyway. But i believe it's changed in both versions (but im not positive of that).
  4. Sony first party is already selling less though. They expected far better sales out of TLoU2. HFW sales have reportedly been slower than the first. Im not saying that is specifically because of xbox, but they definitely seem to be losing some sway over the market. I also think AB games free on gamepass will cause a rush for xbox. Like I said, I'm in no way saying Sony will disappear, they are still in a good place, but raising game prices while your competitor "gives" them away was a bad move (even though I realize inflation would have caused that anyway), and now theres talk of raising console prices, which MS can afford not to do. Game sales are dropping back to pre-pandemic levels. There are plenty of problems for Sony. That said, Sony makes some of the greatest games in the world, and ill always be there for those games. It just feels a bit like a family owned department store competing with Walmart. They have the products, but not the prices. If GP delivers most of what is expected next year, it's going to be a closer race than Sony Pony's ever expected (me, im one of the sony pony's who never expected it).
  5. Yes they do, big early sales mean nothing. People spend less on games because of gamepass, and its hurting Sony. Xbox bought some of the best publishers in the world. Sony isn't going anywhere this gen, but their dominance in the market is over, they can't compete with ms. If they were smart, they'd welcome gamepass and ask for a cut.
  6. 21.6 to 16m, with series x outselling sony recently, including in Japan, and gamepass on pc. You're telling half the story with that article.
  7. Oh darn, one less to worrying about, and he didn't end up hurting anyone. No pity whatsoever. Nothing of value was lost.
  8. Hitting the hammer in a single action is literally pulling the trigger. The gun didn't fire on its own it fired because he directly hit the hammer. He either "dropped the hammer", or cocked the gun and pulled the trigger. Baldwin said the gun fired on its own, it does not. Guns don't fire on their own if they are in good working order, and the devil doesn't load them (old wives tale, because how dare anyone blame the men for leaving a loaded gun around). This was all human error. I can set off a bullet like he did with a vice, a nail, and a hammer too. Obviously if you deliberately strike a 100 yo single action, it will fire. That was literally the point of them That's the opposite of it firing on its own. Dangerous? sure. Its a 130 year old pistol, one of the earliest mass produced revolvers, but it doesn't fire on its own unless it is broken and can't hold the hammer back. In this case, there was nothing wrong with the gun.
  9. Personally, I think it depends on the game. Something about the xbox controllers are just slightly more responsive and accurate. Anything that requires twitch reflexes is just easier with the xbox controller. It also has a better UI, but lacks the incredible narrative gaming experience Sony has. Sony has a far better "AAA gaming experience". The haptic feedback, 3d sound, upcoming vr headset, and amazing games that offer incredible story, but often the gameplay just isn't quite as good and precise as it should be. Xbox has also become much more customer friendly. 70$ for LoUp1, while every first party xbox game comes with a sub I rarely even pay for because of MS rewards. that said, I game far more on PS5. Also just my opinion though.
  10. Im playing Halo Reach. I'm doing the whole MCC in order, but im skipping the first because I've already beat it too many times, and it honestly doesn't hold up gameplay wise. I know that game beat for beat. Im holding off on Infinite until coop and/or forge drops. Honestly, I forgot just how good Reach was after the trash that was Halo 4. I hadn't played it since release. One thing I don't miss, clicking thumb sticks to zoom weapons!
  11. Last generation and this generation turned out so different. Series X is killing it in both sales and messaging. Even with a bad 2022 for delays, im extremely excited for the future of xbox for the first time since the early 360 era. Sony otoh, really seems to be trying to turn fans against it. Is Don Mattrick running Sony from the shadows?
  12. I mean, it's really easy to use, and the SD ready list grows constantly. The only tinkering I need to do is when im doing something it wasn't designed for.
  13. I mean, except for the tens of millions who would gladly buy more powerful switch hardware from Nintendo, Nobody wants that at all. I love my Steamdeck, but it definitely isn't a replacement for the switch.
  14. I'd prefer a debilitating stroke, let him drool on himself a few years first. No he isn't. Kushners father got out in like, 2008.
  15. It's single action, it can't be fired without being cocked, for every single shot. There was zero reason to have cocked the gun and pointed it at people, imo. You typically don't (if you're sane) cock a single action revolver until it's time to shoot.
  16. I mean, if this was some schlub like one of us, they wouldn't need the fbi to investigate this in the first place. They just would have said, "revolvers don't fire on their own", and that would have been the end of that discussion, because revolvers don't fire on their own, and there would be absolutely zero reason to cock the hammer in the first place while not even being filmed. He had to both cock the hammer and pull the trigger. Still, I lean on the armorer being at fault. Actors are not firearms experts, many have never owned or used one, which is why an armorer has to be on set. It's their job to ensure every action and movement is safe when the actor is using that weapon on set. At least that's how it was explained to me.
  17. Yeah, I tried the WWE demo, and that game was not fun or interesting to me at all.
  18. Cult of the Lamb, and its a broken mess. Lock ups and bugs forcing me to restart the game on series x have been ridiculous.
  19. It was probably always 2024. "Winter" is always fiscal winter, and they didn't say 23, just next winter. From what Gary Whitta said, I thought he and Henig were only involved in the basic lore and world creation myth, but nothing to do with the actual story or development. I don't mind the corny dialog, as long as it isn't constant. Aloy never shutting up grated on me badly.
  20. The last trade war wasn't to protect billionaires, who will be lending their great support to that protection.
  21. Wait, are you being serious here? Nobody looks back fondly on Nixon? Nixon's legacy might be tarnished, but Nixon was one of the better presidents of the last 50 years. Clean water act, endangered species act, anti-ballistic missile treaty, improving relations with the chinese, ended the draft, Title IX, lowered voting age. And that's just some of it. If Trump had been getting shit done like Nixon, there would have been no January 6, because he actually would have won in a landslide.
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