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Everything posted by BloodyHell

  1. Think your dad is hard to shop for? I don’t even know who mine is. Lol
  2. You will find some of us who find Indian offensive, but its very few. I grew up in Alaska, I know plenty of Eskimo, and thats what they are, not one of them would call themselves anything else. (Aside from when speaking their native tongue).
  3. Indian is not an offensive term. It’s perfectly acceptable. This sounds a lot like white people deciding what is offensive. also, Eskimo are not offended by the term Eskimo, or at least the ones I have met weren’t. they definitely don’t call themselves Inuit (maybe in Canada they do, but not nirthern alaska).
  4. Design reasons doesnt mean that the game was running badly. of course it could also be that, but design isn’t performance.
  5. I remember when I built my first real gaming PC, Crysis was pretty much the benchmark for a high end pc, and even they didn’t run it well 😋
  6. Ill take anyone as long as its not Kamala “prison for you and you and you” Harris. She’s like Oprah, but with Prison instead of cars.
  7. Ahhh... when I joined the Marines in 2002 (I didn’t have a lot of other prospects and had a kid on the way) My mom was upset, asked me why I would go fight for the “white man” in another country. I told her that theee were two reasons. I wanted my son to grow up away from the poverty, hopelessness and depression that pervades reservations, and that I was going to war so hopefully he wouldn’t need to. He’s 18 next year, and we’re still fighting. The same goddamn war. And he’s been talking about joining for a while now. 🤦‍♂️
  8. Ive never known any if us to be offended by “Native” or “Native American”, so i guess without the whole convo, its hard to say what she reacted too. but don’t forget, we also have far left members of our community who think everything is racist, and are offended by everything, just like every community. We also have far right band members. We’re as diverse as any race. Some are easily offended, others are just offensive.
  9. This after he admitted intel has now officially prepped him on the info. “democrat hoax, like Covid! Vlad is my Friend, he wouldn’t do that!” I wonder if the pawns on putins personal chess board are carved into fat little Trumps with tiny little hands.
  10. Thats the problem, when you’re the only minority in a group, the group mentality always takes over. “They didn’t mean it”, “They didn’t know!”, almost as though you’re the one who should be sorry for misinterpreting it.
  11. If they think its ok to express those views at work (or anywhere, but especially at work) probably need to have their worlds shaken. I’ve let racism towards me pass at work because I had the ridiculous, “but their livelihoods!” View. But thats more respect for their jobs than they had ever shown for my humanity. Now, fuck it. I would report and be very clear with them who reported it.
  12. My mother actually has ivory carvings from the Eskimo and Inuit, which she and my mother traded for ceremonial clothing they made. Its all from before I was born. Yhe artistry is incredible.
  13. The north east is pretty much the obese stomach of America, while the south is its asshole.
  14. It doesn’t matter because so far all those teachings are forgotten soon after they are learned. Even with our own youth. There is a lot of shame tied up in the identities of the subjugated, and until we tackle that in our own community, we’ll never fix external issues.
  15. It depends. If im the only minority in a group, id prefer not, because it just causes more friction. And half the group usually need to tell me the person “just didn’t know better, and we should understand that”. Its a minefield. Unless its outright racism, I would say leave it. Nobody learns anything when confronted and defensive. Better to speak to them in private and explain without the extra embarrassment of a callout.
  16. Silly rabbit, America doesn’t want to see a realistic representation of their history . Hell, I’ve had white right wingers tell me there was no genocide of my people. I hate them only slightly more than those white liberals who tell me what should offend me.
  17. Doubtful. Most countries stamp it and store it in a vault to keep it off the market. There are massive siezed stockpiles of it. I actually recently watched a documentary on it.
  18. I imagine it is exactly the same. Its just that being gay, people can’t always immediately see it. Otherwise I have no doubt it would be every bit as bad. Im sure trans people are even worse off. Either way, don’t make excuses for it or feel you have no right to be angry because others might have it worst. it is harmful to everyone. with Indians (yes you can call us that), people think we’re offended by the wrong things. Like cultural appropriation. We don’t care if you aren’t trying to denigrate our culture. Wear a headdress, just don’t use it to belittle us, etc etc.
  19. My favourite is “i had nothing to do with the genocide of your people -and destruction of our culture- maybe you should get over it” or “I had nothing to do with slavery”. ffs, nevermind. You will never understand.
  20. I want them to give me a new experience. I want XSX VR, AR, i want experiences that I can’t get anywhere else. All im seeing are games I can play on PC, and very few interest me. My question from the start is WHY SHOULD I BUY AN XBOX? and don’t tell me MS doesn’t care, its just not true. I keep getting hostile “because they are creating the future” responses. But they aren’t, PC is.
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