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Everything posted by BloodyHell

  1. They are functionally the same. Have you ever driven one? You can see around you far better in one. The only thing that is harder with s truck is parallel parking. Otherwise, if its automatic, it is no different than driving a Honda Civic, aside from sitting high. I really don’t get the hate for them, especially the modern ones. My GMC Elevation gets 26mpg. I do actually haul with it though. I just hauled 3500lbs of supplies to my rez a few weeks ago. And I drag my bass boat and ATV all over the place, since I'm getting to do a lot more competitive fishing now. I was supposed to be competing in a tournament in Quebec, Canada this week, and then Ontario next. This pandemic has certainly screwed up everyone’s plans.
  2. Nope, all its going to do is spread the virus. Children do not understand social distancing. It is not the schools fault there is a pandemic, and teachers and the like, many aged, shouldn’t be put at risk because parents “can’t keep them at home”. We choose to have kids, it is our responsibility to look after them. We shouldn’t be forcing educators back to work during a pandemic, as kids are germ factories and spread things faster than any other demographic.
  3. And I don’t blame you, but I suggest some proper training if you can afford it. I was carrying long before I was legal age to do so, but that was because of Grizzly, not people 🤣 Its not just Alaska. And people are not going to go for more mass transit, especially after this pandemic.
  4. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.bbc.co.uk/news/amp/uk-england-bristol-53427014
  5. And, I don’t have the link atm, but I saw earlier on BBC that the city took it down.
  6. Many cities in Alasja and Canada are far too spread out for this to work. Most people aren’t going to bike 15 miles to work snd back. People in suburbs are not going to move into the cities so they can use bikes. obviously it would work in many places, but not so much in the north. Especially in the winter. I don’t care if you can ride a bike in -40, its hell and nobody is going to do it. If anything, I think the government should subsidize scooters and motorcycles, and get more people Commuting with those in the more spread out cities, at least in the summer. They don’t require such big lanes, and only need about a quarter of the parking space. We often park 4 bikes in a single parking spot when we go out. Obviously improve public transit as well, but right now its a no go. People don’t want to be on a bus or subway during a pandemic. If anything, this is going to drive people further away from public transit. I know a few people who bought cars because of it. I also know multiple people who were “anti-gun” who now own guns too, but that is another convo.
  7. Its scripted. There are tons of great moments that i missed the first time around too. It was pretty cool. there is also stuff where the characters were just being stupid, and I saw the “payoff” coming a mile away. Like
  8. I just bought this. I beat 1-3 and one of the PSP games. I’m playing Dishonored: Death of the Outsider now, then I'm jumping into this.
  9. I still do the same all the time. He’s 93 now. Most disappointed I’ve seen him was the Deadwood movie. He loved Hell on Wheels though. But he would still rather watch Fist Full of Dollars or 36th Chamber of the Shaolin. It makes him incredibly happy to watch the old movies. Probably reminds him of his youth. he actually started watching Samurai movies in Vietnam. Apparently they were easier to get your hands on than anything else, because regardless of the side you fought on, everyone wanted entertainment.
  10. Satan loves guns? sorry, but even those arguments don’t hold up, the bible is so contradictory that you can find reasons for and against everything. But there’s nothing in the bible about god or jesus being against weapons, let alone guns that didn’t exist at the time. And there’s definitely passages allowing you to defend yourself. i know evangelicals, they can find passages that excuse their hate, and you can find some that condemns it. Buf I can tell you now, you will never change an evangelicals belief. For us, to get from A to B, theres steps, we work through it and come to a conclusion. A1 to A2 to A3, and all the angles until we get to B. For evangelicals, there is none of that. Its just “I believe B, so that’s obviously true, and god’s on my side, you’re wrong.” Belief is rarely from education, in fact, its often in spite of education.
  11. And much of your country, like Alaska, is just too far spread out to give up cars.
  12. Same. My grandfather loves them, and we would watch either a samurai movie, a western, or a kung foo movie. when we would go into the hunting grounds, we had a camp and a generator. We had two movies in the camp, Throne of Blood, and Seven Samurai. Spend the day shooting caribou from boats, and the night watching the same movies over and over
  13. Im just saying, 90% of cultural appropriation claims are bullshit. ive seen white people claim its cultural appropriation for other white people to wear ceremonial outfits, most of which are bought directly from Native artisans. If we didn’t want you wearing it, we wouldn’t sell it. my wife feels the same about dreadlocks.
  14. I don’t Care if he thinks its good or bad, I love that movie. I will watch to see what he says later. edit: thought it was just about the Last Samurai
  15. On my mothers side I’m Sioux. My mother says my father was Lakota, I never met him, he was a one night stand I believe, and died when I was young. But its not really simple, because my mom is half Sioux, half Aleut (I grew up with my grandparents in Alaska, on the Aleut peninsula, but by Indian Tradition (and treaty) im oficially a Sioux. my wife is half African American, half Cree (her mother is from Canada).
  16. I agree man. I am A native. My wife is half native/half black. Most people i see bitching about it are white college age liberals. As long as you aren’t using parts of my culture to insult it, have at it.
  17. While the Japanese can be racist and xenophobic, they do not subscribe to cultural appropriation in the least (because they aren’t crazy people, they realize other cultures using things from theirs is not an insult).
  18. America needs to show these idiots what real political violence is. Not a little rioting. Its time to start pulling politicians who aren’t governing for the people straight out of their offices and hang them in the streets. The only reason they are so bold is because they don’t fear the electorate.
  19. Not gonna happen. No party will ever get the votes they would need to do it in todays political climate.
  20. The beginning of this game is clunky, but by the end, ir was one of the most interesting games I have ever played.
  21. She couldn’t defend her opinions from Joe Rogan without making herself look like a fool (and all Rogan did was question her civilly, it wasn’t a fight, and she tripped all over herself) when you can’t debate Joe Rogan on facts, you probably aren’t the best person to be reporting facts. Joe Rogan isn’t exactly a silver tongued devil.
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