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Everything posted by BloodyHell

  1. Ya, we'll definitely get DLC, imo, but im not sure we'll get it this soon. I expect to see it at Game Awards, and maybe get it in feb/March. I actually think that would be the perfect time for it. Give everyone a year to build excitement.
  2. Sure, i think we are all burned out on the game now. I put 150 hours into it. But there are basically only a handful of single player games I would ever put that much time into to begin with. This, Witcher 3, Persona. Its a very limited list. Its definitely my favorite game in a long time, and I definitely don't agree that it isn't their best game, imo. There's just so much to do. Yes, there is some reuse of bosses, but not nearly as bad as other games (GoW is beloved, and 2/3 of the bosses in that game were trolls and Valkyries). The exploration in ER was second to none, imo. I'll say I like the atmosphere and world of Bloodborne quite a bit more, but overall, the exploration of the world of ER really pulled me in.
  3. The other democrat hero. And people can pretend its not happening, but cnn and msnbc both called them "Heroes of the Jan 6 hearings!". Democrats are terrible at villainizing the other side.
  4. Yeah, I don't even see where there will be any valid debate otherwise at this point. Elden Ring is a special, once in a generation kind of game that just keeps elevating itself from start to finish. I've already played some amazing games this year, but not one comes close. It's not just goty, its goat material.
  5. Playstation fans continue to prove they are the worst: https://www.techradar.com/news/hideo-kojima-fans-are-already-trying-to-cancel-his-xbox-game
  6. I definitely need to replay RE2. I don't know there's a game I've beaten more times over the years. Probably because it's quick and fairly easy, but it's also always fun and nostalgic.
  7. Oh damn, definitely want to find that on vinyl. Thats the only physical media I collect. https://kidkatana.com/shop/limited-edition-vinyl
  8. He didn't. He quit long before that because Trump kept lying about results without evidence. His deposition was interesting.
  9. Starfield was 2022 once upon a time 😜 Im just not convinced that everything that happened there in the last year or so hasn't desperately slowed development. And if that game is bad, it's going to destroy the company.
  10. It's a great story, but it doesn't come close to the grandeur and storytelling of Witcher 3, imo. Money is pretty much for implants I believe. It's been two years, so I don't remember exactly what I was buying, but I spent a lot. Oh, and cars. I spent it on vehicles. As for me, I think im jumping into Death Stranding. Ive also started Ys IX.
  11. Nope, when they put up the 12 month graphic, D4 wasn't on it apparently (Easy Allies said, I didn't check myself). Also, I don't actually believe all that is making 2023.
  12. The launch of W3 on console was not comparable to 2077's release. It just had framerate problems (and still isn't great, but thats the hardware, not the game).
  13. Same. Theres another game called Myth of Wu Kong or something similar, and I feel the same about that so far. Looks beautiful, but tells me nothing.
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