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Everything posted by BloodyHell

  1. I beat this today. I thought it was a little over rated. Certainly it’s not as good as Chained Echoes, which has similar inspirations, but it’s still a good game I had a lot of fun with. it does some things really well. A single party level. KO’s waking with half hp after a set amount of turns, simple stuff. I beat both of the major side bosses, both harder versions of previous bosses. They were challenging, but nothing insane. Both used every item I had (max 10). I love the character swaps in combat. Haven’t seen that in a while. Definitely worth your time if you like classic jrpg styled games.
  2. Not bad faith enough to run off SBFilms with obviously ridiculously charged lies about his motives, I guess 🤷‍♂️
  3. I’ve seen season one, it’s no loss. These are so far from the books, it just isn’t worth it.
  4. I prefer the remaster/remake of the original, but it’s still fantastic.
  5. Pretending the calculation is about how much they “lose” in 6 months is ridiculous. If it was dire for the studio, they would be negotiating. Pretending they dug in their heels for spite is ridiculous. One company, maybe, but a whole industry? No.
  6. And again, does it prove anything? You’re making claims with no more insight than anyone else. Obviously the studio’s have decided negotiation is more expensive than waiting it out. I have no love for WBD, so in the end I don’t care if it hurts them, but there’s definitely been math done and a decision made. SAG will probably cost them a lot more. No numbers, but it’ll be far higher just based off memberships alone. (~160000 SAG vs less than 12000 WGA members)
  7. 50m a yr from writers. And ive seen other reports putting it as high as 80m. Now add in SAG’s demands, which will obviously cost even more. I think the idea that studio’s are hurting is a bit far fetched. They aren’t putting out hundreds of millions or more per quarter either. And they are pulling in revenue from services still, even if its not what they expected. Disneys last few movies lost them a few hundred million. These companies are able to absorb loss better than average union members can. They have obviously decided it’s not worth it to meet current demands.
  8. You’re the first person I’ve heard say that. all the other reports are Perry started it with his comment, then Punk asked him if he had a problem and Perry was a prick again. its clear all these asses were out to get him since they attacked him in his dressing room. It’s clear thrir little clique wanted him gone.
  9. There is far more than just the revenue, they want guarantees on staff size, minimum number of weeks per season on shows, and frankly a lot of it MAY be that they don’t have to even consider the writers demands until SAG strike is taken care of. At this point, WGA is the least important union. So why not starve the WGA while they deal with SAG? I don’t actually know, that’s just a guess. obviously their math shows the losses aren’t as bad as capitulation.
  10. I mean, in this case the problem was two users claiming that he was defending Nazi’s. That was the only bad faith trolling or contrarianism in this thread. He didn’t even come close to that, he was pointing out they should get no national media attention for their viewpoints. To go from that to “you’re defending Nazi’s” is as bad faith as it gets.
  11. It was never 2 or 3%. Thats willfully exaggerating. At this point people just need to realize its as endemic as the flu.
  12. Lol no, they don’t want people getting their emails and correspondence. Settling lawsuits is rarely just about money, it’s about not exposing their c-suite executives. They aren’t scared of the costs, they’re scared of everything else. The dirt in the subpoenas is far more damaging than paying ScarJo is. it’s also doubtful she got anywhere near 50m.
  13. Doesn’t sound like he’s the douche to me. Sounds like he’s the one who doesn’t put up with the douches bullshit
  14. S1 was so bad, I will not continue to taint my most beloved book series growing up with whatever Judkins has done to it. I prefer just to not have the property tainted like that.
  15. Oh yeah. Some PS fanboys are big mad. Game is great, Im in love with it so far. meeting the Russian guy in the Eye and following his quest line is amazing. where I am now is amazing, storywise.
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