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No Idea
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Everything posted by stepee

  1. I was just reading the rumors for apple tv and they are saying under $100. That’s cool to have a new apple tv that is under $100 and would be a great way to push Apple Arcade but can we get an apple tv pro maybe then? I feel like a m1 which can then run stuff like RE4R/Assassins Creed Shadows etc would make a lot of sense. Hell if they could ink a deal to get COD and Madden on it then they would have fully entered the console market right when MS leaves!
  2. Yuppp. I’d like an appletv for my living room and to replace my nvidia shield out here but not with a new one rumored. I’m really hoping for a m1 powered one that lets me play apple arcade stuff on tv a lot nicer. Also there are new streaming codecs to improve moonlight and stuff where streaming works a lot better on my newer apple products.
  3. Was really bad at launch with the forced sixaxis motion controls for movement! It’s better after they patched in gamepad support . I feel like at 4k/60 the game would still look damn good!
  4. My brother picked that one unfortunately and picked it up a couple days ago. TheLeon does seem like a good candidate for the 15!
  5. @Brian ZOTAC to Debut Limit-Pushing Handheld Gaming PC and Showcase AI-Centric Computing Solutions at COMPUTEX 2024 | ZOTAC WWW.ZOTAC.COM HONG KONG – May 29th, 2024 – ZOTAC Technology, a global manufacturer focused on innovative and high-performance hardware solutions, will return to COMPUTEX 2024 to showcase... u ready?
  6. Eh broken clock and all that, especially since other people also called the show
  7. I can co-sign this! Gravity Rush remastered is also locked at 1080p which is a shame though it does at least run at 60fps on ps5.
  8. It’s cool enough and I’ll get it on sale for a replay of both games on pc in the future but it’s also a game that runs at a pretty decent IQ at like 80fps on base ps5 and since it had those unlocked modes it will by default probably be pretty high res at 120fps on the pro. Gravity Rush 2 meanwhile exists only playable at 30fps 1080p with higher res geometry only so it’s pretty laggy and blurry and that’s the only way to play it. It would be much more of an upgrade to get that. It’s a game I want to play but not in the state it’s in so I’m waiting for either a out of left field port/patch or emulation to catch up to play it. Of course this is what I want more as someone who owns a ps5 and already beat GOW:R, obviously someone who hasn’t played it yet or doesn’t even have a ps5 it would be more exciting.
  9. It’s on the list of ps3 games that are very “lost in time” in that there is no good way to play them today compared to pretty much any other system. Before that it was Xbox but the BC program MS did last gen brought a lot of those foward and emulation is getting quite performant on pc. PS3 emulation is pretty rough still and Sony hasn’t emulated it itself yet. So you have stuff like Heavenly Sword, Infamous 1/2, MGS4, Lair, Motorstorm trilogy, The Puppeteer, LBP 1/2, etc that are either streaming only or you need a ps3 hooked up. I’d love to see maybe with the pro or whatever for Sony to start an initiative to bring these playable on ps5 natively at 4k/60. Definitely would add a lot of value to a system they could use some more exclusive content on.
  10. I actually think I’m okay at playing this game too. I’m better at platformers and give it more of a shot than other genres but holy fuck the amount of attacks coming at you from all directions at once is next level.
  11. Oy the final phase I guess has multiple phases of its own so checkpoints don’t help here. It’s really fucking obscene. Like bullet hell while trying to 3d platform and move the camera around and fight enemy’s that also explode and most of the ground will kill you. It’s really an outrageous design that seems like it’s actually just supposed to stop you from beating it? I don’t get it. I saw someone on Steam mention it’s harder than any Dark Souls boss so it’s not just me. Might need them to patch it. Man talk about blowing it at the last minute with a forced error.
  12. Yeah really fucking stupid boss. I’ll have to try again later while watching a movie or smtn to make it less painful trying any more. What a way to ruin the lasting impression of your game. It’s fucking grueling in the most ridiculous way that the rest of the game just isn’t. Makes no sense.
  13. At the third stage of the last boss now and unfortunately I can confirm that this game sticks to the tried and true platformer trope of having a completely ridiculous difficulty spike of a final boss. Fucking hate that but what can you do, more games have that issue than don’t.
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