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No Idea
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Everything posted by stepee

  1. Yeah even here in California we aren’t going to front, there is just no contest. NOW, which Magic Kingdom specifically is better? I actually do like Disneyland slightly more. But you add the rest of World and compare it to California Adventure and just forget about it. Part of the problem is how damn stupid it was to make the expansion HERE California Adventure to begin with.
  2. I’d definitely recommend it to anyone, it’s really a place you need to see in person because photos can’t convent the scale of the mountains
  3. ok back in America, you may no longer ask me anything.
  4. yeah batteries is what I was thinking of as far as it being beneficial for the environment in several ways if we had long lasting infinitely reusable batteries that potentially could provide a lot more power so that’s why I think just in case we should act now to make sure this never sees the light of day
  5. I honestly can’t believe the restraint these people have to not use the n word in public
  6. I’m not a big football fan beyond Madden (and blitz/street before) itself so it makes it easy to just update to the new one as it hits EA Access
  7. lol I thought that was it. while I have you here, any idea about using these things on a second story floor if that would be okay or if it would shake the floor a lot?
  8. Do you mean vs actually running or vs an elliptical?
  9. So this would be clean energy right? Can we put in a bill to ban it yet or do we have to wait until there it’s proven?
  10. huh? I’ve never had to do this - is this something new in the last month?
  11. Nice, I’m only focused on keeping a consistent speed that won’t have me give up at the moment but this time it was 14 minutes. It looks like the average mile for a male my age is about 10.5 minutes, that would be a cool goal to hit after the whole being ran over and having my leg reconstructed thing.
  12. Oh, so it’s just random wishy washy rules they can make verbal exceptions to without actually modifying the language of the original guidance. That makes sense, so they can walk the thin line between brainwashing and completely removing any higher educational chances for the students.
  13. nooo that was a parody of another user!
  14. She’s obviously super attractive, it’s just that we don’t need to know that you’d fuck her because duhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
  15. Question: Elliptical machine, I want it I want it I want it. I did a mile on it in under 15 minutes and keep in mind it’s still less than two years since I was ran over by a truck. And it felt so good, it bypasses a lot of my foot issues because im not slamming the foot into the pavement. And idk I enjoyed it and that’s important. I’ve been using a bunch of different ones to get to that point, but they all seemed fine to me. But I’m on the second floor.. if i put a matt down, am I okay for not disrupting the neighbors? edit: And also as I was traveling and I tried different bikes and treadmills but this was the type that stuck with me. Also it seems to really hit the areas of strength in my legs that walking doesn’t compensate for. I think if I had something like that on the reg maybe getting off the ground wouldn’t be so fucking bad.
  16. I love your horror reccs so this is now on my list to watch out for streaming!
  17. See this is why when people talk about hypocrisy on both sides, for me, it just hits a lot different even if both things might be hypocritical. A left leaning person might say that workers should have fair wages but then consume mass produced products by companies that don’t pay fare wages like literally everyone does. A right leaning person might say they are against child sex trafficking but then kidnap children for fun. Just different vibes though the word can be used for both idk maybe it’s the same thing
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