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Everything posted by Spork3245

  1. “Bad” like Michael Jackson’s song “Bad” or “bad” like how you feel after eating an entire pizza by yourself and still having dessert?
  2. Because they’re both first person RPGs with shooting mechanics that released/essentially re-released in the same window and people are incredibly bored (which is weird because the amount of quality games that came out in the past 3 months is insane, let alone the past 3-ish weeks)
  3. Like you previously mentioned, it’s surprising that nvidia doesn’t just do DLSS profiles in their drivers at this point. Frame Gen might be more complex, but DLSS Upscaling shouldn’t be too difficult (in terms of setting it on/off/quality-setting in the drivers like you can with forcing vsync or AA)
  4. The thing is, while they’re better than nothing… they’re pretty janky. Just start a movement to get devs to implement it in every game or they face unspeakable consequences!
  5. I can’t tell if you’re just being obstinate now so let’s just agree to disagree.
  6. The issue for 90% of people isn’t the payment, it’s the DRM, and now the threat of it crashing your game.
  7. By definition, that’s malware, especially since he made it sound like the entire game will crash or not work properly (not just the mod). Very few people cared until he started adding DRM to mods, so the backlash is kinda on him, IMO. There’s actually some bigger issues in the sense that he’s profiting off of the work of nVidia and Bethesda (and other devs) as his mods are based off and running on their code and hard work. It’s surprising he hasn’t gotten a cease & desist as others who’ve tried to charge for game mods in the past have, though theirs weren’t performance based mods (they were like fan made expansion packs or TCMs). It’s just really ridiculous to add DRM to these mods, and now to threaten to put “landmines” in the code too is just absolutely absurd (and I can’t wait for one of his subs to have an authentication issue and it bork their game). And this isn’t a “I jUsT wAnT iT fOr FrEe” thing as I have sources to get his (cracked) mods and am not using them, it just feels really crappy and lame when PC gaming has been built on a community of modding.
  8. Starfield Paid DLSS Mod Creator Hits Back at Pirates, Threatens to Add 'Hidden Mines' in Future Mods - IGN WWW.IGN.COM In an interview with IGN, Starfield DLSS modder PureDark defends the decision to put his advanced DLSS mods on Patreon, and he plants his flag in the debate over paid mods. Oh, hey, now he’s going to make his mods potentially malware. Good job!
  9. Fuck, this is so much funnier since playing BG3 Also, patch 3 really f’d some things up: you can’t attack (ranged/magic) or use actions through door openings now, your character has to get through the doorway. For example, if you have a character who used all of their movement points positioned at an open doorway and try to use a range attack it’ll say “path blocked” or “not enough movement” (as it tries to move them into the next room) when targeting an enemy in that next room. I’m guessing they were trying to fix the exploit some people were using where you could stack boxes at a wall and then use jump to leap over the boundary, but wound up borking regular gameplay. There’s also some major quest bugs introduced in Act II now (strange ox is in enemy form as soon as you enter last light inn and will kill Dammon unless you immediately run there and kill it before his hp runs out). I wish there was a way to roll back to Patch 2 tbh
  10. This is incredibly circumstantial evidence. However, Merk’s COVID antiviral is pretty garbage compared to Pfizer’s (Paxlovid) anyway.
  11. I felt the same. Morty sounded 1:1, Rick sounded slightly (SLIGHTLY) off, but if I didn’t know it was a new VA I wouldn’t have noticed
  12. Somewhere between 8 and 80000000000000
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