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Everything posted by Spork3245

  1. I figured you already knew all this but wanted to clarify that it's not like the Palestinians have anywhere else to legitimately go. I remember reading/hearing about this a long time ago, but I cannot for the life of me find a source right now (the current conflict fills any search I try), so I'm not 100% sure if I'm remembering correctly so please take this with a grain of salt: one or two of the nations that initially took in Palestinian refugees expelled them after the refugees attempted to claim a "divine right" to the country that took them, or something like that - again, I don't want to spread misinformation so please grain of salt this, but I recall a reason why so few other nations take them or directly support them outside of "attack Israel". Hamas' whole thing is to integrate themselves among civilians to cause non-combatant casualties. I don't mean to speak for @TUFKAK but I don't believe he's saying that Israel is blameless, however, the constant argument from one side is "Israel bad" and it's tiring.
  2. It’s not even close to that good for them. Unless something changed recently, Jordan is the only Middle Eastern country that will grant Palestinians citizenship, and others won’t even allow Palestinian refugees into work programs despite labor shortages. An undocumented person working a produce farm in the US has it better than most Palestinians in refugee camps.
  3. I seem to get basically the same performance with 4k DLAA and 4k DLSS Quality. Also, I noticed that DLSS Quality seems more aliased than in other games.
  4. It was posted by Walter Bloomberg on X and Breaking Market News, they didn’t provide a source. They’re typically apolitical but it may have come from that Erdogan journalist
  5. I don’t know, the side quests in this game are infinitely better than 99% of other RPGs. I think most others would have the side quests be like… - gather 10 mugworts for Auntie Ethel - defeat 5 cursed shadows to aid the Harpers - collect 5 flute fragments to wake Art Cullagh - Rolan slipped and the flying scrolls are going rogue. Help Rolan keep his job by catching all the flying scrolls! (4/79 completed)
  6. Did they increase FOV on the Quest 3 compared to the 1 and 2?
  7. Jason claims not to be a boomer, so clearly he’s greatest generation or silent generation, because there’s no way any gen x or millennial doesn’t know what tossing salad means.
  8. I’ve been periodically checking in with people I know and friends in Israel: it won’t be anything official (and will be extremely anecdotal) but next time I speak with some of them I’ll ask what the general vibes are regarding Netanyahu right now. You absolutely cannot compare Israeli politics with American politics. Israel, as a country, is based around security and preparing for the eventuality of attacks every day and trying to be a step ahead. In elementary schools, when they do “active shooter” drills, kids aren’t taught to hide under desks, they’re taught to grab whatever they can and pelt it at the shooter while others charge to tackle the attacker. A failure of this magnitude will absolutely not be unnoticed or forgotten by the Israeli people when the dust settles. Netanyahu could wriggle his way out of this if he finds a convincing scapegoat, but it is very likely an uphill battle for him politically after this. Absolutely no one in Palestine benefits from this. The ones who benefit are the foreign nations who hate Israel that fund Palestinian groups into fighting battles for them, and these countries couldn’t give less of a shit about Palestine or their “freedom”. I’ll go as far to say that these nations actually hate the Palestinians. As I mentioned above, it’s possible Bibi comes out of this mostly okay politically, but I do not believe that it’s going to be super easy for him.
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