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Everything posted by Spork3245

  1. I don’t know if anybody here skims through notes of/listens to investor calls post earnings… but… this sums up AMD and Intel over the past week:
  2. OP was apparently born after 2010 if they think SP games are a new trend.
  3. I don’t consider AoD as a horror comedy, I debated about it with myself, but ultimately IMO it falls more into a comedy with a very small handful of horror elements. If I included AoD I felt I’d also need to include Warm Bodies and Zombieland.
  4. Please don’t claim straight up horror movies with occasional funny parts are Horror-Comedy movies, and also no horror movies so bad that they’re funny, and no horror spoofs that are meant as straight up comedy movies making fun of horror movies (ie: Scary Movie). I’m typically not a fan of horror movies tbh, but I f’n love horror comedy movies. It’s just such a (on the surface) mismatch of genres that it works in the best possible way, IMO. For me (in no order): Happy Death Day Ready or Not Final Girls Freaky (initially named Freaky Friday the 13th) Totally Killer Tucker & Dale vs Evil
  5. I named this little fella “Hugo Weaving” My wife’s response: “DON’T FUCKING NAME IT”
  6. After beating it yesterday, my guesses for DLC(s) are: My guess for Spider-Man 3 is: As for this game itself, some huge things that I was absolutely not expecting in the story: I only had two crashes during my play-through and just a handful of bugs. Post-game, however, I wanted to just swing around and do some random crime fighting before putting the game down. However, that was a challenge as all of a sudden like 2/3rds of the map made so I couldn’t go to street-level as Spider-Man would just fall through the game world, and all but 3-4 costumes would cause Spider-Man to basically turn invisible except for a single small block of polygons.
  7. I believe every long-term D1P poster will automatically qualify for a PS6 pre-order
  8. An interesting tidbit in the DF video is that even with (hardware) RT off, the game is still using RT, just software based, for both reflections and (some) lighting. The entire process is extremely impressive, even at low settings.
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