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Everything posted by Spork3245

  1. Say what you want about Roman, the acting from Kieran Culkin leading up to and during his “breakdown” was absolutely magnificent.
  2. “we’ve been seeing the reactions to every non-Nintendo AAA game in 2023 and thought we should probably bug test it for 8 months before releasing”
  3. BRB, digging through game files to find it And I love MGSV but yeesh, the ending that was given is a big nothing.
  4. Imagine making a game like this, knowing how it would probably sell, and then making a launch DLC for "Elven language" to nickel & dime the handful of people who are actually going to buy it.
  5. Not sure I'm understanding as it looks like they signed a deal and it's before any of them are released.
  6. I wonder of this is PSVR2 exclusive or if it’ll be on the PC version too?
  7. Eh, there was a pretty decent drop on Tuesday so yesterday was more of a breathing period after SPY went down about 10 points. NVDA beat the ever loving shit out of their expected earnings last night which sent it up over 25% and is propping a lot of other tech + SPY up right now. If there’s going to be a downward fear-based reaction I’d expect it late today or throughout tomorrow going into a 3-day weekend.
  8. The second season of Mighty Ducks was pretty bad compared to S1, IMO, so you didn’t miss much. Big Shot (the basketball show) S1 was incredible, 2nd season they changed the writing style to seemingly try to target a younger demographic and a lot of the magic from S1 was lost, but it was still pretty good - was honestly disappointed when S2 was dropped all-at-once instead of weekly with zero advertising as I figured “oh, guess this will be the last season”.
  9. Gameplay is all anyone should care about. Just skip the cutscenes after watching them once. MGS4 is fantastic and replies like “wHy PoRt iT” is just more proof that Markot is your alt
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