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Everything posted by Slug

  1. Wow, that looks way nicer than my range. Wrong side of the state though.
  2. Fun read. I like miniature war gaming, but I don't like the time and money investment. I'm a war-gaming leech. I'm the guy that goes to cons just to play other folks' war-games that they lovingly sunk all their free hours and cash into acquiring, building, and setting up. Plus I hate painting minis. Even though my minis turn out nice, I find the process tedious and it makes my neck hurt.
  3. Look...art is art is art. As with any medium people like different things. Some people like metal, some people like R&B, some people like country. Some people like Monet, some people like Pollack. None of this shit is objective. I can look at something like Gris and go, "that looks boring I don't want to play it", while still appreciating that it has it's place and will have it's fans the same way I can look at a Kuwayama and say, "...I don't get it" while accepting that it is very compelling to some people.
  4. Every single player lost the MGT bet. I don't think that's ever happened before.
  5. The party in power will do everything to solidify their hold. One party only complains about gerrymandering and other such tactics when they aren't in control. Democrats aren't above it; they just want to be the ones drawing the lines. It's wrong no matter who is doing it. But whatever. It's NJ; I expect nothing less at this point.
  6. Firearm homicides are down slightly from last year, which is a plus I guess.
  7. Oh absolutely. I'm sure it's a fine game and games like it unquestionably should have a seat at the table. It's just not my cup of tea. I hope it does well for those folk who are into this sort of thing though.
  8. Each review I read just further solidifies a non-buy from me. They all make the game sound so boring. Beautiful, artful, emotional...boring Gris. I'm sure it's right up some folks' alleys, but it's just not why I play games.
  9. "You cannot die. There are no enemies nor pitfalls to fall into throughout the game." I'm sorry, but while it's very pretty I don't want to just run through some dude's art project. And the music..I get that it fits the theme and all, but it was lulling me to sleep watching that gameplay vid. This is an easy pass for me.
  10. Thursday bump! Deadline is tonight! @mikechorney @BasemntDweller2 @RedSoxFan9 @Alpha1Cowboy @Greatoneshere @SFLUFAN @Jose @johnny @Kal-El814
  11. For someone that young to be put in a place where they not only contemplate, but go through with suicide? That's harsh.
  12. It's like Brewster's Millions; you just can't seem to get rid of it all! :P
  13. Also a reminder: This competition runs through the Super Bowl. Week 17 is NOT the end.
  14. ## WEEK 14 MOCK GAMBLING - SPREAD AND QUESTIONS ## DEADLINE FOR WEEK 14 ENTRIES - 12/13/2018 (Thursday) 8:19pm EASTERN THREAD WILL BE LOCKED AT THE DEADLINE SO GET YOUR ENTRIES IN! Week 15 Feature Game L.A. Chargers (+3.5) @ Kansas City Chiefs (Remember you are betting against the spread, not just the outright winner) QUESTIONS 1) What will be the first scoring play of the Feature Game? Chargers touchdown, Chargers field goal, Chargers safety, Chiefs touchdown, Chiefs field goal, or Chiefs safety? ($5,000 for the correct call) 2) Which team in the Feature Game will be the most heavily penalized in terms of YARDAGE? ($3,500 for the correct call) 3) Name any 2 running backs that will rush for over 100 yards in week 15. ($4,000 for the correct answer) 4) Next man up: Either due to injury or benching, the Redskins have used multiple quarterbacks in 3 of their last 4 games. Do they use more than one QB again this week? ($2,000 for the correct answer) 5) Pick the winners ($3,500 for each correct pick, $6,000 bonus if you call all 3 correctly) Detroit @ Buffalo New England @ Pittsburgh Oakland @ Cincinnati 6) Green Bay @ Chicago - Which team will record the highest time of possession? ($4,000 for the correct team) 7) Which player will be credited with the most sacks in Week 15? ($5,000 for the correct name) 8) Name the player who will rush for the most yards AND the player that will have the most receiving yards in Week 15. ($15,000 for each player named correctly, $30,000 bonus if both names are called) Good luck! ### Example Answer Post and MY ENTRY ### Feature Game: Chefs for $10,500 1. Chargers FG 2. Chargers 3. Mixon and Henry 4. YES BECAUSE OF COURSE THEY WILL 5. Bills, Steelers, Bengals 6. Green Bay 7. Kerrigan 8. Mixon, Hilton #####################
  15. thewhyteboar stays in the lead going into week 15! He bet big and guessed well to extend his lead. But don't get comfy; half the leaderboard is still in one-bet striking distance of the top! -= WEEK 14 RESULTS =- Feature Game: Minnesota Vikings @ Seattle Seahawks (-3) The Seahawks roll the Vikings by a score of 18(21-3)-7. Bets on Seattle win. -= QUESTIONS =- 1) What will be the first scoring play of the Feature Game? Vikings touchdown, Vikings field goal, Vikings safety, Seahawks touchdown, Seahawks field goal, or Seahawks safety? ($4,500 for the correct call) The first score was a Seabass FG for Seattle. Guesses on a Seahawks FG get it. 2) Which team in the Feature Game will have the final posession of the game? ($3,500 for the correct call) After a last minute TD puts the Vikings on the board they attempted a failed onsides kick recovered by Seattle who goes into victory formation for the final possession. Bets on Seattle win. 3) How many rushing yards will the Colts tally this week? 0-49, 50-99, 100-149, 150-199, 200+ ($4,000 for the correct answer) The Colts put up a combined 50 yards of rushing. Guesses for 50-99 win. Oddly enough only 2 players didn't guess this. 4) Which team scores the most points on SUNDAY? ($5,000 for the correct call) The New York Football Giants. Blech. Nobody called this because why the hell would you? 5) Pick the winners ($3,500 for each correct pick, $5,000 bonus if you call all 3 correctly) Detroit @ Arizona N.Y. Jets @ Buffalo N.Y. Giants @ Redskins Bad week for home teams. Several people called the Lions and Giants, but it was only RedSoxFan9 who had faith in the Jets making him the only player to earn the Week 14 picks bonus! 6) Name the kicker who will successfully hit the most field goals (not PATs) in Week 14? ($5,000 for the correct game) Michael Badgley hit 4 for the Chargers to lead all kickers in week 14. 7) Rams @ Bears - Which team scores FIRST? ($3,500 for the correct team) The Rams hit on on 1st quarter FG to get the first points of this low scoring affair. 8) Name the player who will rush for the most yards AND the player that will have the most receiving yards in Week 14. ($10,000 for each player named correctly, $20,000 bonus if both names are called) Derrick Henry had a record setting night on Thursday, putting up 238 yards and 4 TDs for the Titans while Amari Cooper went off for 217 yards to lead all receivers. Nobody called Henry and SFLUFAN was the only player to guess Cooper's big day, giving him a big cash bump for the week despite losing his all-in bet! No bonus awarded. -= THE LEADERBOARD =- @thewhyteboar - $122,050 @mikechorney - $91,500 @BasemntDweller2 - $88,100 @Keyser_Soze - $82,300 @RedSoxFan9 - $80,400 @Alpha1Cowboy - $78,500 @Biggie - $56,800 Slug - $25,500 @Greatoneshere - $25,000 @SFLUFAN - $24,500 @Jose - $18,900 @johnny - $9,100 @Kal-El814 - $8,600 Remember; it's never too late to start! Everyone begins with $1,000 no matter which week you jump in! Good luck to everyone in Week 15! Feature Game and Questions follow this post! -= THE RULES =- 1. You make your bet and answer the questions simply by posting on the thread each week with your pick for the featured game along with your bet, followed by your answers to the prediction questions. 2. Everyone starts with $1,000. If a user doesn't start until week 3, they still start with $1,000. Your best bet it to get in early and play every week. 3. If you somehow reach $0 you are not out of the competition. You can't bet on the feature game during weeks that you are broke, but you can answer the prediction questions and hope to earn cash to gamble the following week. 4. IMPORTANT: I will set a deadline for getting your entries for the week in (usually before kick-off of that week's first game). It is imperative that you make your post before the deadline. The entry thread will be locked at the deadline so if you don't get your entry in by then you lose out on the chance to make money that week. 5. I work full time AND coach youth football AND go to school when I can AND have a near crippling gaming addiction AND probably drink too much. Responsibilities and personality flaws allowing, I will attempt to post the results and the next week's game/questions each Tuesday, as early as possible. Keep in mind though that there may be some wackiness here and there based on my schedule and hangovers. Pay attention. 6. For the official recording of stats/yardage NFL.com will be used. Whatever their site says on Tuesday morning is what counts. No whining. 8. Accounts created within the current calendar month are not eligible to play and any entries from such accounts will not be considered. -= Previous Weeks =- Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 Week 5 Week 6 Week 7 Week 8 Week 9 Week 10 Week 11 Week 12 Week 13 Week 14
  16. Unlocked Luigi last night. Everyone else can stop playing Smash now. I'm now undefeatable.
  17. I think it compares favorably. I think that the exhibit hall, while smaller in size, competes with gencon in quality and variety, less some creators (Gencon's exhibit hall has more artists and independant craft people). But free gaming space and the library and the tournaments for the size I think PAXU did very well. The big edge GenCon has over PAXU is event registration. Their prereg system is much better and you are far more likely to get events you want. PAXU tried something this year with their app to prereg some events, but it wasn't effective. They just don't have enough scheduled events or people to run them. Maybe as the con grows they will get there. But at GenCon I can go into it *knowing* that I'm getting into event X or Y ahead of time. No lines, no running out of DMs, no bullshit.
  18. How awesome does that have to feel? That made me smile.
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